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一个浮动的球状物在Mt。A floating orb in Mt.

使用一个大铁球作武器。Attacks with a large steel orb.

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丁香在回家的路上碰到宝珠,宝珠说珍珠事了。Clove encounter on the way home, orb said pearl.

为何结网性蜘蛛为成功的受讯方剥削者?Why orb spiders are successful receiver exploiters ?

毁灭之球的法力消耗从20提高到25。Orb of Annihilation mana cost increased to 25 from 20.

美国宇航局似乎知道这个红色慧星天体的东西。NASA appears to know something about this red cometary orb.

我对刑相位使用的容许度是8度,补八分相则使用4度的容许度。I use 8-degree orb on square and 4 degree orbs on sesquisquare.

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此时正向布里斯托尔海峡坠落的那一轮巨大红日。That great red orb now sinking down towards the bristol channel.

在顶部按了一下,一股蓝色的光球便出现在他面前。Clicking the top of it, a bluish orb of light appeared before him.

她一只手里握着皇仗,另一只手托着金球。In the one hand she had a scepter, and in the other the imperial orb.

2号光点与拍摄尘埃微粒复制出的那类光点十分相像。Orb 2 accurately mimics the type of orbs reproduced by dust particles.

一个特里同王子来你这里寻找传说中的亚特兰提斯之珠。A triton prince has come to you in search of the fabled Orb of Atlantis.

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宝珠和司徒伟强请程兰来参观自己的小家,还请她在这里吃饭。Orb and SiTuWeiJiang Cheng Lan visit your home, also asked her to eat here.

抵消者拥有不同于停滞之球的新外观。The Nullifier has a new aesthetic appearance different from the Stasis Orb.

金球织网蜘蛛大而坚固的网曾诱捕到大如鸟的猎物。Golden orb weavers' large, strong webs have ensnared prey as large as birds.

那是一个象篮球大小、闪亮的金属圆球,从里面引出来数十根电线。It's a shiny steel orb the size of a basketball from which dozens of cords protrude.

但使其赢得狡猾猎者美誉的是织圆形网的蜘蛛。But it is the orb weavers that have won the spiders their reputation as artful hunters.

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你必须把混乱派系的魔球带回来,那样,也只有那样我们才可以确信和平的到来。You must then return with the Orb of Chaos, then and only then shall we be sure of peace.

金球织网蜘蛛这类蜘蛛以发光的金丝得名。Golden Orb Weaver Spider Spiders in this group are known for the golden sheen of their silk.

两人到了司徒家,宝珠发现他家里布置得十分高雅整洁。Two people went to the house of Stuart, orb found him home decorate a very elegant and tidy.