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这是我的小金库。It is my private coffer.

我喜欢这种咖啡。I like this kind of coffer.

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咖啡很快就烧开了。The coffer boiled up quickly.

那只钱柜分成了三格。Three compartments divided the coffer.

“小金库”是当前滋生腐败现象的温床。The "departmental coffer" is a hotbed of corruption.

在你们每位的家中都有我的财源和贮存的物品。I have my coffer and my store at each of your houses.

这女孩得到允许,可以把饼干放在咖啡里浸一浸吃。The girl is allowed to dunk her biscuits in her coffer.

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箱子是黑漆的,车身则是黄漆。This coffer was painted black, and the cabriolet yellow.

有一种特殊的触摸到的箱柜,它使这么好。There is a special touch to the Coffer that makes it so desirable.

赶上他们,他把匣子交给他们中的一个背着。When he had rejoined them, he gave the coffer to one of them to carry.

这是可怕的,看看手中的精益溺爱使围堰严重。It is awful to see the lean hands of dotage making a coffer of the grave.

铁箱附近守着一只妖怪,它警告那人说,从哪里来,回哪里去。Close to the coffer lay a monster, who warned him to return whence he came.

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几年过去了,幸福的几年过去了,这几年玫瑰开放,铜保险箱在变大。Years passed, happy years when the roses bloomed and the copper coffer grew.

在小箱中,他又把他的另一宝物,主教的烛台也放了进去。In the same coffer he had placed his other treasures, the Bishop's candlesticks.

在这样的经济、政治环境下,产生了“小金库”现象。In this economic and political environment, the private coffer is coming into being.

他们才是相信生命和生命的献赏者,他们的钱库永不空乏。These are the believers in life and the bounty of life, and their coffer is never empty.

现今的文学创作已不再局限于那些靠政府发工资的职业作家。Literary creation is no longer restricted to career writers who live off the government coffer.

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小金库”严重扰乱了财务活动秩序,危害极大。The"small coffer", which has disturbed seriously the order of the financial activities, is very dangerous.

这箱黄金,你的一部分的财富,表示你的财富将很快转移到我的名下。The coffer of gold, which is part of your treasure, denotes that your riches shall soon be transferred to me.

把耶和华的约柜和装金老鼠并金痔疮像的匣子都放在车上。And they laid the ark of the LORD upon the cart, and the coffer with the mice of gold and the images of their emerods.