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她比预定的时间仅早到了一点儿。She arrives a smidgen ahead of time.

在我看来,他们有点太乐观了。They're a smidgen too bullish for me.

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一点点谦卑也可能很适合你。And a smidgen of humility might also serve you well.

只是用清水冲洗干净并加一点点护发素。Just rinse it with water and add a smidgen of conditioner.

但对我来说,似乎不只是一点点。我以后会再做解释。Well, it has seemed like more than a smidgen to me. But I'll come back to that.

她告诉我们,少吃这个,吃点那个,永远不能吃这个,那个只能吃一点点。Eat a little of this and some of that, she tells us, but never this and only a smidgen of that.

用蔬菜或者沙拉堆满你的盘子,在来上一小点调味品,或者来上一大碗美味的肉汤。Overload your plate with vegetables or salad with a smidgen of dressing or have a big, steaming bowl of broth-based soup.

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即使是无糖的那种也只含有极少量的蛋白质、植物纤维、以及更少量的维生素和矿物质。Even the less sugared-up varieties have only a little protein, a smidgen of fiber and a small amount of vitamins and minerals.

当攀登变得艰难时,用脚尖支撑身体是一种自然倾向,但这种姿势在岩石上只留下了一点点橡胶鞋底。Standing on your tiptoes when the climbing gets tough is a natural tendency , but that stance leaves only a smidgen of rubber on the rock.

多数时候这些天,我愿意携带一种稍微更大和更重的玻璃如果我知道我可能需要额外的表现的那极小量。Most of the time these days, I am willing to carry a slightly bigger and heavier glass if I know I might need that smidgen of extra performance.

通过这些快捷方法,可以在这里节省一点点时间,在那里节省一点点劳动,然而对于像进行切割、锤钉子和组装框架这样的重复性任务,这样的节省最终加起来真的不少。The shortcuts shave a smidgen of time here, some labor there, yet with repetitive tasks such as making cuts, driving nails, and assembling framing, the savings really add up.