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我当时是个菜鸟钢琴手I was a fledgling pianist.

这个没经验的人总是顶撞他的老板。The fledgling man always offends his boss.

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中国的初期黄金市场仍在发展中。China's fledgling gold market is still evolving.

这是羽翼未丰的卡汽车网的开始。That was the beginning of the fledgling Arpanet network.

美国的建国先贤一心要保护这个新兴的民主制度。The Founders were protective of the fledgling democracy.

新加坡艺术市场羽翼渐丰,或将迎来腾飞之日。Singapore's fledgling art scene may finally be taking off.

其中有一位当时还是初出茅庐的女作家,她的名字就是艾茵·兰德。One of these was a fledgling author by the name of Ayn Rand.

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珍妮丝努力工作企图让自己的新事业上轨道。Janis worked hard to get her fledgling business off the ground.

当年轻的沃尔科特上场时,阵型可以变成4-3-3。It can become a 4-3-3 to accommodate the fledgling Theo Walcott.

1987年,诺基亚羽翼未丰的手机业务开始出现亏损。In 1987, Nokia’s fledgling mobile phone business started losing money.

这是早期的雏形运动中,人们创造团结统一的方法之一。That was one way that people tried to create unity in this early fledgling movement.

他又在2003年美国主导的伊拉克战争之后,继续协助培训伊拉克毫无经验的警察部门。He went on to help train Iraq's fledgling police force after the US-led invasion in 2003.

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始料不及发生之事往往很容易就将初步建立的自信击得粉碎。If something unexpected happens, it's easy to let it knock your fledgling self-confidence.

刚刚成立的美国F1车队老板透露,帕特里克对他们来说显得“太大牌”了,并不适合为他们开车。The boss of the fledgling US F1 team has said Danica Patrick is "too big" to drive for them.

几年前我在一家刚开业的饭店工作,那里的人很是自命不凡。A fledgling restaurant I worked for many years ago liked to think it was fancier than it was.

他们正在从投资于许多新兴公司的风投机构那里得到它。And they are getting it from the venture-capital outfits that have backed many fledgling firms.

我们自我介绍的时候,我是个初出茅庐的写手,当时正筹划出版我的第一本小说。I was a fledgling writer at the time of our introduction, just about to publish my first novel.

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硅酸盐物质——包括粘土矿物和云母——会成为刚成型的雪花冰晶的核心。Silicate materials – clay minerals and micas – can act as the core of a fledgling snow crystal.

现在局势虽然已经恢复,但是这个国家新兴的小小旅游业还有待重振旗鼓。Things are now back to normal, but the small and fledgling tourist industry has yet to recover.

该草案来自一个没有经验的正致力于孕育新的戏剧和舞蹈作品的艺术表演团体。It’s from a fledgling performing arts groups focused on incubating new theater and dance pieces.