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她是个传奇。She was legendary.

他可是个传奇式的人物哦。He was a legendary figure.

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我们的交战将会名扬四海。The battle will be legendary.

一群传说中的恶魔即将被唤醒。And a legendary evil will be awoken.

难道这就是传说中的青蛙王子?Is this the legendary princess frog?

传说讲的是一位传奇大侠。Legend tells of a legendary warrior.

奥狄修斯是传说中的希腊英雄。Odysseus was a legendary Greek hero.

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传奇的人物阿凡提啊?Xinjiang's legendary figurer Afanti?

他可是惠州的一位传奇人物。He was a legendary figure in Huizhou.

龙马是传说中的一种神马。Believed to be a legendary magic horse.

那本主既可以是传说神话中的人物。Ben Zhu could be a legendary character.

这本来将成为一次永载史册的传奇演出的。It truly would have been a legendary tour.

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该巴泽氏族赛马传奇。The Baze clan is legendary in horse racing.

有人说,四川广元是一块充满传奇的地方。Guanyuan is well known as a legendary place.

海里有一条传说中的大鳌鱼。In the sea there is a huge legendary turtle.

腊八节的由来有两个传说。Laba Festival there are two legendary origin.

这就是具有传奇色彩的“旋转舞”。These are the legendary "whirling dervishes".

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这幢房屋具有传奇色彩,但又很危险。This building is both legendary and dangerous.

CHANEL女士的传奇一生,是我学习的榜样。MS CHANEL's legendary life, is my study example.

杰克和奈提莉从这个传奇的坐骑上跃下。Jake and Neytiri alight from his legendary mount.