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他在辩论中驳倒了她。He bested her in the argument.

奥拉狂暴地出手攻击,但艾拉将她击败。Aurra attacked ferociously, but Aayla bested her.

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哈里在白刃战中轻易地击败了对手。Harry easily bested his opponent in hand-to-hand combat.

家具商使威廉斯先生上当买了那张扶手椅。The furniture dealer bested Mr Williams over that armchair.

一位保守党人轻易的击败了其他八位候选人获得了杰瑞米在北德文的席位。A Tory easily bested eight other candidates to take Thorpe's North Devon seat.

克诺比击败维德,留下这位黑暗尊主在穆斯塔法的熔岩河岸上等死。Kenobi bested Vader, leaving the Dark Lord to die on the Mustafar river banks.

在与他同父异母的凡人兄弟赫拉克勒斯的一场决战中,他也吃了败仗。In another battle, he was bested by his half-brother, a mortal called Heracles.

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瑞秋,芬恩,科特和梅赛德斯已经超越了约翰,保罗,乔治和林戈。John, Paul, George and Ringo have been bested by Rachel, Finn, Kurt and Mercedes.

他很快从失败中振作起来,购买了那辆击败了他的赛车。He quickly bounced back from his defeat by purchasing the very Podracer that bested him.

为什么我们表现如此之差,还被波兰、拉托维亚,斯洛伐克甩在了后面?So why did we rank so poorly, bested by countries including Poland, Latvia and Slovakia?

科威尔,对他们进行了个人判断,说高奇击败了艾伦,艾伦似乎掩盖了这首歌。Cowell, judging them individually, said Gokey bested Allen, who seemed overshadowed by the song.

其中一名黑暗绝地逃到了达戈巴星,最终被尤达击败。One of these dark siders had gotten as far as Dagobah, were Yoda bested him in direct confrontation.

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他在头上戴着由树叶、牙齿和兽角编成的花冠,这些大型猛兽都是他在狩猎中制服的。On his head, he wore a garland of leaves, teeth, and the horns of great animals he bested in hunting.

这一切是值得的,因为你知道你打败了那些讨厌的、不断偷走属于你东西的猪。It's all worth it just to know that you bested those pesky pigs who keep stealing what's rightfully yours.

他战胜克诺比,用野蛮的原力推击昏这名绝地,但无法击败天行者。He bested Kenobi, knocking the Jedi unconscious with a brutal Force push, but was unable to overpower Skywalker.

瑞安洛克特在男子决赛中遇上竞争,在55秒16的时候领先尼克汤马的55秒59完成比赛。Ryan Lochte bested the competition in the men's final, turning in a 55.16 to finish ahead of Nick Thoman 's 55.59.

在一家小酒馆里,泰尔英勇地把杀害安妮莎父亲的凶手逼入死角,打倒了这个恶棍,领到了赏金。Tel heroically cornered the murderer of Aneesa's father in a cantina and bested the villain in combat, collecting the bounty.

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它定义了现代每一台计算机工作的模式,尽管苹果轻易在PC销售战争击败主要竞争对手微软。It cemented the template for how every computer works today, even though Apple was handily bested in the PC sales wars by archrival Microsoft.

虽然波巴·费特最终击败其他猎人,取得捕获汉·索洛的赏金,但博斯克仍是个可怕的重装追踪者。Though Boba Fett ultimately bested the other hunters and collected Han Solo's bounty, Bossk is nonetheless a fearsome and heavily armed tracker.

而且,过度的怀疑会消除人的同情心和怜悯心。把病人当成可能存在的必须打败的对手是可悲的。Furthermore, excessive suspicion compromises empathy and compassion. It is draining to approach patients as possible adversaries who must be bested.