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默认情况下是'no'。Default is 'no'.

没有默认值。No default value.

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可选选项,默认值是256。Optional, default is 256.

它在默认情况下不启用。It is not enabled by default.

保留默认的持卡者姓名Keep default cardholder's name

点“默认安全机制”标签。Click the Default Security tab.

预设为空字串。The default is an empty string.

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默认的文件名是.htaccess。Default file name is . htaccess.

VTP的陷阱默认情况下禁用。VTP trap is disabled by default.

他因不傣尝儿输了网球赛。He lost the tennis match default.

是否默认启用bitmap字体?。Enable bitmapped fonts by default?

如何厘定违约日期?。How to determine the default date?

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默认情况下所有的Mac电脑都装有该程序。It comes with all Macs by default.

它将使我们能避免违约。It will allow us to avoid default.

留空以使用默认计量单位。Keep empty to use the default UOM.

把默认设置调为“小”。Make "small" your default setting.

设置一个默认数据检索模式。Set a default data retrieval mode.

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在这个案例中我们选择默认值。In this case we choose the default.

这方面有没有默认的准则。There are no default norms for that.

缺省情况下启用的自动配置Auto-configuration enabled by default