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叉角羚羊是美洲跑得最快的哺乳动物。The pronghorn is America's fastest mammal.

黄石公园的草地上最常见的叉角羚。Pronghorn are commonly found on the grasslands in the park.

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叉角羚不仅跑得快,而且跑得远。Besides traveling fast, though, the pronghorn also travels far.

猎豹一旦消失,叉角羚在今日环境就显得英雄无用武之地了。In the absence of cheetah, the pronghorn appears "overbuilt" for its environment today.

大陆典型的草原居民的是美国羚羊或叉角羚。Typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent is the America antelope or pronghorn.

美洲羚羊,或称叉角羚,是该大陆典型天下贰元魂珠激活的草原动物。Typical of the gra land dwellers of the continent is the American antelope, or pronghorn.

美洲羚羊,或称叉角羚,是该大陆典型的草原动物。Typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent is theAmerican antelope, or pronghorn.

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美洲羚羊,或称叉角羚,是该大陆典型的草原原动物。Typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent is the American antelope, or pronghorn.

可是部分叉角羚的生活环境由于人类的发展而变得日益支离破碎。But part of the pronghorn habitat is becoming increasingly fragmented by human development.

在该镇周边曾经出现羚羊的40英亩的土地上建造了这座监狱。On a 40-acre field at the edge of town where pronghorn antelope once grazed, they built it.

美洲羚羊,或称叉角羚,是该大陆典型的草原动物。Typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent is the American antelope, or pronghorn.

2009年六月的一天,怀俄明大提顿国家公园里一只刚出生一天的小叉角羚正在打盹。In Wyoming's Grand Teton National Park a day-old pronghorn fawn snoozes away a June day in 2009.

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美洲羚羊,或称叉角羚,是该海洋模范火影忍者草原植物。Typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent is the American initial antelope, or pronghorn.

闲谈中,人们有时会把叉角羚说成羚羊,其实它属于完全独立的家族。Loose talk sometimes mistakes the pronghorn for an antelope, but in fact it belongs to a family all its own.

现在,驼鹿、鹿和叉角羚们已在草原上漫步,游客们可以在草原上野营、远足和骑车。Already, herds of elk, deer, and pronghorn antelope roam the grasslands, where visitors can camp, hike, and bike.

叉角羚羊群中谁发觉险情,便将它臀部上的白色毛块突起,向其他羚羊发出危险信号。When a pronghorn in the herd sees danger, it raises the white patch of hair on its rump as a warning signal to the others.

但是叉角羚的视力非常好,它们很不喜欢身边有陌生人,所以里斯架设起了动态捕捉照相机。上面的照片就是这样拍摄的。But pronghorn have tremendous vision and are not fond of strangers, so Riis set up motion-triggered cameras to capture pictures like this.

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为了躲避北方逐渐推进的大雪,2008年秋天叉角羚再次经过怀俄明的格罗斯•温特山脉踏上了一年一度的南方迁徙之路。Escaping encroaching snows farther north, pronghorn run south through Wyoming's Gros Ventre mountains on their annual fall migration in 2008.

塞德勒指着我们所在小山和房屋间的鼠尾草豁口说,看起来大多数叉角羚就从这里通过。Right about here, Seidler said, pointing to a gap of sage between our knoll and the houses, is where most of the pronghorn seem to cross through.

乔纳气田这样的天然气钻探项目妨碍了叉角羚的迁徙,一些地方的新住房把叉角羚走廊缩小到不足几百米宽。Gas drilling projects, such as Jonah Field, impede pronghorn migration, and new homes restrict corridors to no more than a few hundred yards wide in places.