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是我心衣饰的得体仪容。Is but the seemly raiment of my heart.

只是我胸中这颗心合适的衣裳。Is but the seemly raiment of my heart.

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她的责问和怒容,好象布满了整个房子。Her rebukes and angries are seemly full of all room.

待葬礼过后再告诉她较合适。It would be more seemly to tell her after the funeral.

如果我们为伊拉克阵亡战士默哀片刻,会不会不大礼貌?Would it be seemly toh ave a moment of silence for the Iraqi corpses?

他们现在似乎把奥运冠军当作是他们运动队的精神领袖。They may now seemly regard Olympic gold medallist as the of their team.

他说话的时候,没有去看女人,因为那是不成体统的。He did not look at the woman as he spoke. It would not have been seemly.

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历史是阶级斗争的历史,而不管一个社会的成员如何看待它。However it is seemly members of a society, history is a history of class-struggle.

这种人,从表面上看是“爱表现”。但这种行为的背后,却有许多深层次的心理原因。These folks are seemly eager to show off, which, however, results from in-depth psychological causes.

肌细胞膜对肉毒毒素具有阻隔作用,A型肉毒毒素可能有诱发神经芽生作用。The membranes of muscle cells can seemly prevent the penetrating of BTX-A. BTX-A maybe induces the nerve sprouting.

通过纯洁和良好的行为以及值得赞扬和适当的品格才能达到世界的改进。The betterment of the word can be accomplished through pure and goodly deeds through commendable and seemly conduct.

纯洁与良好的行为、可嘉与适当的操守能够促进世界的改善。The betterment of the world can be accomplished through pure and goodly deeds, through commendable and seemly conduct.

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古罗马诗人泰伦斯宣称,在每一次作出努力时,智者首先采用的适当途径是说服。The ancient Roman poet Terrence declared that in every endeavor, the seemly course for wise men is to try persuasion first.

教育领域里的“叙事研究”关注如何叙事,以及如何以恰当的叙事方式展开教育研究。"Narrative inquiry" in education field concerns how to narrate and how to expand education research with seemly mode of narrating.

这样教育出来的人才就会摆正自己的位置,明白如何应对未来的挑战,而不再是盲目的参加工作。The person educated by this approach really knows their position, understand how to answer the future challenge and hunt job seemly.

而部分消费者看似纯道德的消费,例如只购买散养鸡肉,实际上背后也隐藏着自身的健康利益。While seemly pure ethical consumption of some consumers, such as buying free range chickens, also has hidden interests of their health.

比较而言,对于小说中孙吴集团的表现,学者们似乎关注不够,相关的研讨也要薄弱得多。Comparatively, the scholars seemly pay less attention on the performance of Sun-Wu in novel text, and relevant discussions are also much skinnier.

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更为重要的是,土地集体所有权明确了村民小组之间的界限,极不利于社区重新整合。More importantly, the collective ownership of land clears the lines between groups of villagers. It is seemly against the community re-integration.

作为领导者,要想实现自己的目标,你必须有能力成功平衡各种相互对立、看上去相互矛盾的力量。As a leader, you must be able to successfully balance a number of opposing and seemly contradictory forces if you are going to achieve your objectives.

当这样一个严重的曲解被驳斥后,她又去制造另外的谎言,抄来或者写了大量的看似相关,实则无关的内容。When such a grossly misinterpreted claim was busted, she went for another by copying or writing large amount of seemly related but really out of context content.