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坏小孩调皮捣蛋。The bad child is mischievous.

汤姆是一个天真活泼而又调皮孩子。Tom is a cute but mischievous child.

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学会恰到好处地撒娇调皮。Learn to be mischievous and coquetry.

我认为这些谣言是恶意中伤的。I think these rumours are mischievous.

她有使坏的幽默感。She has a mischievous sense of humour.

你的孩子过分顽皮了。Your child is excessively mischievous.

她脸露淘气的神色。There's a mischievous look on her face.

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祖母宽恕我们淘气。Grandmother pardons us when we are mischievous.

美尔根是最调皮的小狼崽儿。Maheegun was the most mischievous wolf cub ever.

那些顽皮的男孩们在学校里耍无赖。The mischievous boys blackguarded about the school.

我在河里嬉戏,像个淘气的孩子。We frolicked in the water like mischievous children.

我喜欢这片天空的兰色,纯净又不失调皮。I like this piece of sky blue, pure, yet mischievous.

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如果我们不想成为宫廷小丑或不想被追究询问会成为谁的话,我们应保持独立,需要淘气,需要具有挑战性,有怀疑精神。We need to be mischievous. We need to be challenging.

那是你应受的,你这个顽皮的小东西!And you'd have deserved it, you little mischievous darling!

但是他的眼神会告诉你,他很慈祥和滑稽,同时还带着点小孩子的淘气。But his eyes told you he was kind, funny, a bit mischievous.

什么?很有意思啊。现在,恶搞是大行其道啊。What? It sounds funny. Mischievous distortion is on its way.

瞧他们吃喝玩乐的样子,多调皮呀。Look at them beer and skittles appearance, more mischievous ah.

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调皮的邵美琪把记者们逗得很开心。Mischievous Maggie tickled the reporters with her wit and humor.

看守想去抓那个淘气的小孩,可是他逃走了。The keeper tried to catch him, but the mischievous boy bunked off.

这是因为淘气的过程就是动脑分析的过程。This is because the process is mischievous minds analysis process.