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然后回顾亚里士多德的理论。And it takes you through to the Aristotelian theory.

你们可以好好思考这是他的理论。And, you can ponder. So, this is the Aristotelian view.

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这么一来亚里士多德理论该如何解释呢?So how do you explain that within the Aristotelian model?

亚里士多德学科基于一个非常切合实际的想法。Aristotelian science was based on a very common sensible idea.

我认为这主要原因是给亚里士多德传统一个下马威。Well the main is, I think to kick the Aristotelian tradition into touch.

但什么是亚里士多德式的,自然权利或自然正义标准?But what is the Aristotelian standard of natural ? right or natural justice?

亚式模态三段论可以化归为哪些格式呢?。Which figures and moods could be reduced to by Aristotelian modal syllogism?

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这样一来不仅是亚里士多德体系对此观点极为不满。Now not only Aristotelian science very unsatisfactory from this point of view.

伽利略称趾高气扬的亚斯多德派保守份子为鸽盟。Galileo called the old strutting Aristotelian conservatives, The Pigeon League.

那么,现代逻辑如何看待亚式模态三段论的化归呢?Then how contemporary logic looks upon the reduction of aristotelian modal syllogism?

现在我们拥有这些数据,这个亚里士多德模型,看起来已经越来越愚蠢了。Now we have all this data, and this Aristotelian model is looking goofier and goofier.

随之而来的是,人们开始认识到亚里士多德理论的严重错误。coupled with that was a realization that the Aristotelian theory was seriously defective.

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亚里士多德式政治科学的语言,是人类的语言,政治动物的语言。The language of Aristotelian political science is the language of man the political animal.

为了攻击亚里士多德传统,他积极运用怀疑论法则。Well, attacks Aristotelian tradition he uses in effect the skeptical problem of the criterion.

他将我们从亚里士多德的规律,并将我们带回到,更有道理的规律。He is getting us out of that Aristotelian rut and moving us back to something that makes more sense.

亚里士多德提出事物运动,是为了达到特殊状态而产生的。The Aristotelian had said that things move because they are striving to reach a particular situation.

我们采纳了亚里士多德运动理论的背景,他把运动归结为物体的渴望。We have the background of the Aristotelian theory of motion which ascribed desires to physical objects.

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这些精准的天文学观测,给亚里士多德世界观带来了致命打击。So these precise astronomical observations really caused immense problem for the Aristotelian world view.

而亚里士多德的观点在很长时间里得到了认同,但最终还是崩溃了,在越来越多的数据面前。And the Aristotelian view held for a long time, but eventually it started to crumble in the light of more data.

麦金泰尔的主要政治和道德观点是,人要成为受亚里士多德目标驱使的社会动物。MacIntyre's key moral and political idea is that to be human is to be an Aristotelian goal-driven, social animal.