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他说,我们得干一架。He said, We gotta fistfight.

我今天差点和别人打架。I nearly got into a fistfight with someone today.

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在任何一场肉搏格斗赛中打败敌人,不受任何伤害。Defeat an opponent in a fistfight without taking any damage.

有一年,两个员工竟然喝醉了在门口打架。One year, two employees had a fistfight outside the entrance.

去年,我叔叔还差点和我侄子因为这个要打起来。Last year, my uncle almost got into a fistfight with my nephew.

愤怒于打架别于拳击比赛。Anger provides the difference between a fistfight and a boxing match.

影片的高潮中,麦布赖德与村里的暴徒展开了惊心动魄的拳斗。In the film's climax, McBride has a rousing fistfight with the village bully.

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影片的高潮中,麦布赖德与村里的暴徒展开了惊心动魄的拳斗。In the film’s climax, McBride has a rousing fistfight with the village bully.

你的母亲从未参与了殴斗在高中体育盛会。Your mother has ever been involved in a fistfight at a high school sports event.

我们挂出的波德沃克在酒店前像我们坏评寻找殴斗。We hung out on the boardwalk in front of the hotel like we were bad-asses looking for a fistfight.

而在本片中,老布什不断地贬低自己的儿子,有次几乎和他动手。In the film, Bush Sr. continually belittles his son and at one point almost engages him in a fistfight.

在中国,体育竞技类、格斗类、赛车类游戏没有人做,而韩国的公司都在做这方面的开发。Be in China, sports athletics kind, fistfight kind, cycle racing kind game is done without the person, and the company of Korea is developed in what make this field.

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而1952年的共和党大会则开创了通过电视全国播放的先河,据说那次新闻报道中还包括了一场发生在艾森豪威尔支持者和罗伯特·塔夫脱支持者之间的争斗。The 1952 Republican convention was the first to be televised nationally, and the coverage reportedly included a fistfight between supporters of Eisenhower and Robert A. Taft.