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击退效果对伪装的间谍无效。The knockback effect no longer affects Disguised Spies.

同时会给予击退免疫。Lastly this ability will grant immunity to knockback effects.

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现在这个技能大约可以击退20码了…It should now roughly knockback the correct length of 20 yards.

使用自然之力的击退效果造成环境死亡或自杀效果。Cause an environmental death or suicide using the Force-A-Nature's knockback.

你与他战斗的竞技场使他可以发挥出强大的致命的战斗能力。The circular arena in which you fight Nardur makes his knockback his most deadly ability.

试著用各种武器挡住这些通路,或用震退能力将侦查兵推到你队友面前解决他。Try to block these routes or use weapons with a knockback effect to push him towards your teammates.

机枪缺乏足够的击退,所以就算拿着GAU也别以为能挡住源源不绝的僵尸大军。Machine-guns lack much knockback so don't think you can hold off an endless swarm of zombies even with a GAU-19.

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哥布林的火箭跳可以在被击退后快速回位,风之议会战被击落平台的时候也能跳回来。Goblin Rocket Jump can also be used as soon as the knockback hits, to override the movement effect and stay in place.

给所有僵尸种族指定的击退百分比,用于平恒地图。仅当僵尸种族启用时使用。Percentage of specified knockback to give zombie classes. Usefull for balancing maps. Only applies when zombie classes are enabled.

如果Alpha还活着,他会反击目标,暂时压制目标产生的仇恨,并让目标沉默10秒。If the Alpha is still alive it will knockback the target, temporarily suppressing the threat from the target and silencing him for 10 seconds.

可能的情况是台风既有击退又有眩晕效果——台风和其他一些法术有很大不同,所以在设计上我们可能会有一些限制。We might mess with the knockback distance a little, but Typhoon is built differently from many spells, so there may be a limit in what we can do here.