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她在一家医院工作。She works in a hospital.

黛安娜去了一家医院。Diana went to a hospital.

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慈恩医院,218号病房。Mercy Hospital. Room 218.

但是没有医院要她。But no hospital wanted her.

余花落尽青苔院。I do flowers moss hospital.

哎在肿瘤医院上班。I work in a tumor hospital.

在医院的夜话。Night Tales at the Hospital.

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圣汤姆斯医院是一家好的医院吗?Is St. Thomas a good hospital?

那所医院离海很近。That hospital is near the sea.

医院邻接公园。The hospital adjoins the park.

医院最终网开一面。The hospital finally relented.

他们在北京医院工作。They work in Beijing Hospital.

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我们把他急忙送往医院。We rushed him to the hospital.

我们学校和一所医院毗连。Our school abuts on a hospital.

王医生在这所医院工作。Dr. Wang works in this hospital.

可以通过医院档案查出来。Go through the hospital records.

他很快就要出医院了。He will soon be out of hospital.

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他的断腿已在医院里接上了。His leg was set at the hospital.

她在一个专科医院工作。She works in a special hospital.

这医院资金匮乏。The hospital are under-financed.