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拈起一撮食物供养我。He offered me a morsel of food.

可是今天的夜,有些冷。But today's night, a morsel chilly.

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考虑吃一小块黑巧克力。Consider a morsel of dark chocolate.

每一口所吃的食物都是意志力的失败。And every morsel of food eaten is a failure of will power.

卓知远捂着脸庞有些痛苦的说道。The Zhuo knows far Wu the face is a morsel painful of say.

当你继续阅读的时候,一定要理解其中的含义。Digest the implications of that morsel as you keep reading.

一小块食物嵌在他的牙缝里。He had a morsel of food caught between one tooth and another.

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有时候,慢慢的享受生活的一点一滴是很幸福的。Sometimes it’s nice to enjoy each morsel of life as it comes.

等我回来,它们早已风卷残云般吃光了所有食物。By the time I got back they'd eaten every single morsel of food.

瑞因太饥饿了,所以津津有味地吃每一口干硬的面包。Ray was so hungrythathe enjoyed every morsel of the stale bread.

一只美洲鹤低下头来把少量的昆虫喂给它所孵化出的饥饿小鹤。Bowing to its hatchling's hunger, a crane offers an insect morsel.

每次喂完奶之后要再喂一两口清水,以清洁口腔。After breast-feed , mom should feed a morsel of water to clean mouth.

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问题当然是你可能会吃掉剩下的每一口食物。The problem, of course, is that you will probably down every last morsel.

乾饼一张而平安共食,胜于满屋佳肴而互相争吵。Better is a dry morsel with joy, than a house full of victims with strife.

至已有点喜欢玉芙蓉的这种冷漠。Go to have already a little morsel liked jade lotus of this inhospitality.

设筵满屋,大家相争,不如有块干饼,大家相安。Better is a dry morsel with quiet than a house full of feasting with strife.

是肯定的很快哭泣和我没有在许多长的天的更加精制的少量。It is sure to cry soon, and a daintier morsel I haven't had for many a long day.

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一匹狼总是会给你一公克的真理,只要他能够卖给你一公斤的谎言!A wolf will always give you a morsel of truth, if he could sell you a pound of lies!

说着,秦朝喝了一口杯中的酒,然后把酒杯放在桌子上。Say, the Qin Dynasty drank one morsel wine among cup, then put wine cup on the table.

然后从洛城出发去江南那个小城,那里离的比较远。Then set out from LA Chiang-Nan namely that small city, quit a mini morsel far there.