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哪里是“大洋彼岸中国”?Where the heck is Transoceanic China?

他收到了一封从伦敦来的越洋电报。He received a transoceanic cable from London.

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是啊。期待着这座跨海大桥早日通车吧。The early completion of this transoceanic bridge.

这座跨海大桥什麽时候能通车呀?。When will this transoceanic bridge open to traffic?

有一些甚至有更大的影响力。Other transoceanic drifters have had much larger effects.

一周以后,祝英台从美国打来越洋电话。After a week, Zhu Yingtai hits the transoceanic telephone from US.

跨洋电话业务在阿根廷、智利和乌拉圭开通。后来又陆续在南美其他国家开通。Opening of transoceanic telephone service to Argentina, Chile and Uruguay and subsequently to all other South American countries.

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位于选定跨洋路线的飞行员将收到气旋的实时更新,然后将系统的反馈提供给科学家们。Pilots on selected transoceanic routes will receive real-time turbulence updates and then provide feedback on the system to the scientists.

这种调整能够支持地方经济发展,并使需要援助的人更快地得到援助,比成本高昂的远洋航运节省时间。That change would support local economic development and allow aid to reach people who need it faster than by costly transoceanic shipment.

在过去十年,科学家利用最新追踪技术发现,大白鲨喜欢独来独往,它之所以进行跨海洋旅行,或许是为了繁殖。Only in the past decade has tracking technology revealed that great whites, solitary travelers, make transoceanic journeys, possibly for breeding.

由于没有特效的解毒剂,海蛇伤成为影响海洋开发、我军海上作业和跨海登岛作战的卫生保障常见问题。For lack of specific antidote, sea snake injury has become a common problem for the health safeguard of sea exploration, marine work and transoceanic fight.

这些从天而降的肥沃土壤以及由携带尘土的暖湿气流所带来的暴雨滋润了亚马逊雨林。The rich dust that falls from the sky, and the rain storms caused by that dust picking up moisture during it's transoceanic journey both fertilize the Amazon rain forest.

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正研发的一项新型导航系统可能会协助跨洋航班避开危险的暴风雨,有认为类似的暴风雨部分导致了最近两起严重的坠机事件。A new guidance system in the works could help transoceanic flights avoid dangerous thunderstorms, such as the ones thought to have played a part in the recent fatal crashes of two jetliners.

十九世纪末期,新发明的制造方法引发了大规模的工业化革命,并带来了诸如城市快速发展、铁路网络不断扩大、资本投资和跨洋贸易增大的现象。Towards the end of the 19th century , inventive new ways of manufacture helped trigger large-scale industrialization accompanied by such phenomena of capital, and growing transoceanic trade.