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一是统一思想认识。First, unity of thinking.

友情是团结的建造师。Friendship is a builder of unity.

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他们的团结被称为“汉萨”。Their unity was called a "Hanse".

团结是胜利的保证。Unity is the guarantee of victory.

他讲话的基调是团结。The keynote of his speech was unity.

第一章涉及的是“大一统”问题。Chapter one deals with "Great Unity".

红色和象征心心相印。Red and white together signify unity.

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我们必须坚定地维护民族团结。We must firmly uphold the national unity.

你可以称这个计划为社区团结计划。You could call it a community unity plan.

大家尽力加强团结。Every effort was made to strengthen unity.

第二个,统一于团结。Second, unification on the basis of unity.

举国上下团结一致。There is solid unity throughout the nation.

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他们仅仅希望这个团结将会一直持续!Their only hope that this unity will endure.

一一团结互助是保障。Unity and mutual assistance is the guarantee.

我们已经实现了安定团结。We have achieved genuine stability and unity.

非洲、美洲、亚洲、大洋洲和欧洲的大团结。Unity of Africa, America, Asia, Australia, and

为了团结,所有单位联合成唯一的联盟。For unity the units united into a unique union.

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忽视了恩典之约的一致性。NCT ignores the unity of the covenant of grace.

力量来自团结,团结来自于信仰。Strength comes from unity, unity from the faith.

这样才能促进和睦,维护团结。That is the only way to promote amity and unity.