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纯粹是假造事实。It is a pure fabrication.

这完全是凭空捏造。This is a sheer fabrication.

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这完全是凭空捏造。This is a sheer fabrication.

纳米线有序阵列的制备。Fabrication of nano-wire arrays.

我希望那是纯属捏造。I hope it's an out-and-out fabrication.

制造的历史是什么?What is the history of this fabrication?

还因此而可以形成更平坦的边缝。It also permits the fabrication of a flatter seam.

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在制造过程中,对淤浆内的粘结剂进行固化。A binder within the slurry is cured during fabrication.

书法摄影与制作,其乐无穷!Calligraphy film and fabrication , an endless enjoyment!

要平息里德的胡编乱造,这是一个及时的举措。That is a timely idea, if only to lay Reed's fabrication to rest.

屈伏塔通过律师称这段描述“纯属捏造。”Travolta, through a lawyer, called this account “pure fabrication.

我们的研究对实际制作光纤拉曼放大器提供了指导。This research provides a guide to the fabrication of practical FRAs.

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键合是微流控芯片制作的关键技术之一。Bonding is one of key processes for fabrication of microfluidic chip.

本发明涉及一种蚕丝絮片的制作方法。The invention relates to a fabrication method for natural silk flocs.

问题是,每个“解决方案”每一个纯属捏造。The problem with each "solution" is that each is a sheer fabrication.

钣金工厂的经理们已经求助自动化的技术来克服这些问题。To help matters, fabrication shop managers have turned to automation.

最后,概观等离子腐蚀在器件制作中的应用。The applications of plasma etching in device fabrication are surveyed.

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真空蒸发镀膜是装饰膜生产的常用工艺。The vacuum evaporation is a common method in ornament film fabrication.

在这层峦叠嶂之后的事件线索追溯到了几十年前。The chain of events behind this vast fabrication goes back many decades.

但是目前自对准的双栅MOSFET的工艺制作相当困难。But the fabrication of self aligned double gate MOSFET is too complicated.