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书呆子大叫。Bookworm shouted.

他是个书呆子。He is a bookworm.

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谁是一个书虫?What is a bookworm?

书呆子问运动员。Bookworm asked Sportsman.

我总是把他当作书呆子。I always refer to him as bookworm.

你们难道要把我变成书呆子吗?Can you make me into a bookworm it?

贝拉是个一等一的书虫。A. Bella is a first and foremost a bookworm.

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任静自认为她可能有点像书虫。Ren Jing considers herself a bit of a bookworm.

周末还去图书馆?你真是一个无可救药的书呆子。Go to the library on weekends? You are a certifiable bookworm.

你知道书呆子和毛茸茸的黑色狨猴有什麽共同之处吗?他们都比较安静。What does a bookworm have in common with a black-tufted marmoset?

任静觉得自己多少可以算得上是个爱读书的人了。What is a bookworm?Ren Jing considers herself a bit of a bookworm.

我所有的同学以为我疯了,给了我一个绰号“书呆子”。All my classmates thought I was crazy and gave me a nickname "bookworm".

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一个不识字的放羊娃在有关羊的知识方面比饱读诗书的人所懂得要多得多。A shepherd who cannot read will known more about sheep than the wisest bookworm.

读那本书的时候,我得到了许多乐趣,从那以后我变成了一个书虫。I found the joys of reading when I read that book. I became a bookworm after that.

他被称作书呆子,出于一个很简单的原因,就是因为他总是不遗余力地读书。He is regarded as bookworm for the simple reason that he spares no effort on reading.

学术上的女权主义者认为他们的书呆子丈夫是人类男子气概的最理想模式。The academic feminists think their nerdy bookworm husbands are the ideal model of human manhood.

如果你能工作,实现这些目标,您将成为一个全面的和灵活的学生,而是作为一个书虫。If you can work toward these goals, you'll become a well-rounded and versatile student instead of being a bookworm.

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书虫已经非常饿了,他需要吃一些字母,请听单词,然后用方向键把书虫移动到正确的字母上面。The bookworm is really hungry. He needs to eat some letters! Listen to the words and find the right letters for the bookworm.

师父知道哈里热衷于吠檀多,但他并不希望任何门徒成为单纯的禁欲者或者是书呆子。The Master knew Hari's passion for Vedanta . But he did not wish any of his disciples to become a dry ascetic or a mere bookworm.

我觉得读书的好处,就是没有课外作业,爱读就读,轻松得很,书读多了还会被说是臭老九、书呆子。The good were that there was no homework and you didnt have to study hard at school. If you studied hard you would be think a bookworm.