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听说你的瑞典式自助餐是城里最好的。We heard that you have the best smorgasbord in town.

这个世界对于青步甲来说简直就是一个两栖类美食餐厅。The world is an amphibian smorgasbord to the Epomis beetles.

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网络是一个不会结束的自助餐,它提供娱乐和信息。The Web is an endless smorgasbord of entertainment and information.

这一次,摆在选民面前的税收计划变得更为激进。This time around the smorgasbord of tax plans on offer is even more radical.

开发人员倾向于依靠不同厂商提供的工具自助餐。So, developers tend to rely on a smorgasbord of tools from different vendors.

引导法的大餐,真是对催眠专业的大贡献!A Smorgasbord of Inductions is a great contribution to the hypnosis profession!

Michelle和我到当地最出名的瑞典式自助餐厅。Michelle and I went to one of the most famous smorgasbord restaurants in Stockholm.

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在您今天的浮潜旅程中您还能品尝到瑞典式的午餐,整个行程有免费茶和咖啡供应。Youll be served a tropical smorgasbord lunch on your dive trip, and complimentary tea and coffee are available throughout the day.

若要找一条适用于任何人的参考原则,我不妨这样说,当你找到你的灵修途径时,就踏实地去修,别在灵修上到处逛四处尝鲜。As a guideline for anyone, I would say, when you find the spiritual path that works for you, stay with it. Don't shop around, do the spiritual smorgasbord.

在森林中经历过有什么吃什么的漫长岁月后,这顿简单的早餐就像散发着异国情调的高级自助餐,丰盛而且都是熟的,允诺着我将会衣食无忧。After a long life in the forest eating what-you-can-find, this simple fare appeared a smorgasbord of exotic delicacies, rich and ripe, the promise of fullness.

生活就是一个充满了价值和重大机会的大型自助餐,但是这完全取决于我们个人伸出手抓住这些机会。Life is a huge smorgasbord of worthwhile and rewarding opportunities. But it is entirely up to us as individuals to reach out and take hold of those opportunities.

在夜市上,既有风味小吃大杂烩,又能够挑选平价衣,还有老远就能闻到的台式臭豆腐味道,所以每天晚上夜市上总是人头攒动。There is something about the blend of cheap clothing, smorgasbord of delicacies and wafting scent of stinky tofu that draws the locals to pack the island's many night markets every evening.