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他们也足步匆匆地赶往震中。They were hurrying towards the epicentre.

北极处于气候变化的震中。The Arctic is at the epicentre of climate change.

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地震震中距离日本东部海岸大约130千米。Its epicentre was about 130km off Japan's east coast.

就在18个月之前,卡诺曾是1型脊髓灰质炎的全球焦点。Even 18 months ago, Kano was the global epicentre of type 1 polio.

这是斯蒂芬•麦克唐纳从地震震中映秀镇为AM发来的报道。This is Stephen McDonell at earthquake epicentre in Yingxiu for AM.

一些专家认为亚洲已成为糖尿病新的流行中心。Some experts view Asia as the new epicentre for the diabetes epidemic.

每日观看数逾两百万的YouTube,已然成为视频广告大爆发的中心点。With over two billion views a day, it’s become the epicentre of a video advertising boom.

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另外一个受灾严重的地区是离震央50公里处的北川县。Another of the worst-hit areas appears to be Beichuan county, about 50km from the epicentre.

从大坝临近的地区,中国的士兵们向震中发起了总攻。From all around the dam area, Chinese soldiers are launching their assault on the epicentre.

据报道,震中距离巴东海岸30英里,震源深度约53英里。Its epicentre was reported to be about 30 miles offshore from Padang, at a depth of about 53 miles.

震中在安克雷奇以东大约100英里的威廉王子湾,但安克雷奇也遭受重创。Its epicentre was at Prince William Sound, some 100 miles to the east, but Anchorage took a big hit.

位于震中南部的印尼尼亚斯岛报告有大量人员死亡。There were reports of many deaths in the Indonesian island of Nias, south of the earthquake's epicentre.

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靠近震中的达菲尔德地区的一户人家,称他们当晚是在自家的餐桌下度过的。One family in Darfield, near the epicentre of the quake, reported spending the night under their dining table.

震中距离拉奎拉市仅数英里,拉奎拉位于意大利主干山脉亚平宁山脉上。L’Aquila, high up in the Apennine mountains that form the backbone of Italy, was a few miles from the epicentre.

国度总理温家宝已经飞往灾区批示救助事情并探望生还者。China's Prime Minister Wen Jiabao has flown to the epicentre to see relief work , having met survivors elsewhere.

距离里四川省震中60英里外的一所学校倒塌,约900名儿童被困。Around 900 children were trapped after their school collapsed about 60 miles from the epicentre in Sichuan province.

政府说正在向Tasikmalaya派遣医疗队伍,这个西爪哇的城镇离震源70英里。The government said it was sending medical teams to Tasikmalaya, a town in west Java about 70 miles from the epicentre.

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永善是中国第二大水电站溪洛渡水电站所在地,距离震中心仅有15公里。Yongshan is home to the Xiluodu hydropower project, China's second largest hydropower station, only 15km from the epicentre.

气仙沼市位于距离东京东北方300英里的宫城县内,位置十分接近此次地震的震中。Kesennuma, located 300 miles north-east of Tokyo in Miyagi prefecture, was near the epicentre of the magnitude 8.9 earthquake.

美国地质调查称这次地震震级为8.9,震中位于离日本东海岸130公里处。The US geological survey said the quake had a magnitude of 8.9, with an epicentre about 130 kilometres off Japan's east coast.