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许多收到五伤,在各种形式。Many received the stigmata in various forms.

他最终收到了背上的创伤“基督”。He eventually received the stigmata"the wounds of CHRIST".

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并坦率地说,谁又能责怪琼斯想要摆脱星巴克伤?And, frankly, who can blame Jones for wanting to shake off the Starbucks stigmata?

在指数胃镜检查中,2例患者有活动性出血,14例有最近出血痕迹。At index endoscopy, 2 patients had active hemorrhage and 14 had stigmata of recent hemorrhage.

然后蜜蜂造访下一朵花,经过柱头时就把前一朵花的花粉沾在上面了,这个过程会不断地重复。The next flower visited receives on its stigmata some of the first flower's pollen, and the cycle continues.

这种诅咒的记号是右手上的黑色伤痕,使这人永远爱上塞莉娜。The symbol of this curse is a black stigmata on the right hand of whomever becomes Serena's lover. Urban legend stuff?

与该泥瓦匠的模板伤旁边的花岗岩桌面和钢铁家电厨房墙壁看起来像一个现代壁画。The kitchen wall with the stigmata of the bricklayer's formwork next to the granite table tops and steel home appliances looks like a modern fresco.

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他想“四大枪手”下战书并打败了他们,被一个假扮成男子的女人背叛,而且这个女人差点用手枪结束了他的性命。He challenges and defeats the four great gun masters of the land and then is betrayed by a woman with a man's voice who shoots him, leaving stigmata wounds.

每一样可以被教导的东西,应该保存「本源纯朴自然」的这个特徵。就我们而言,这是唯一能够证明「纯朴自然」存在的理由。Everything that is teachable ought to preserve the stigmata of this ultra-simple initium which is the only thing which can justify to our eyes the ideal of simplicity.

本文报告一例在两侧肺脏、肾脏、肝脏、横隔膜后及后腹腔的弥漫性淋巴血管平滑肌增生症。This report presents a case of lymphangi-oleiomyomatosis in bilateral lungs, kidneys, liver, retrocrural space and retroperitoneal space without stigmata of tuberous sclerosis.

男性、慢性肝病的皮肤特征、老年、低白蛋白水平和高AFP水平是发生并发症的独立预测因素,且相互之间具有累积作用。Male gender, stigmata of chronic liver disease, old age, low albumin and high AFP levels on presentation were independently associated with increased cumulative risk of complications.