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比利·艾克纳将扮演斯卡特。Scuttle would be played by BILLY EICHNER.

这些小道消息被当作一派胡言而一笑置之。All this scuttle butt was laughed off as nonsense.

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一个州的监管者可以搅黄一个区域计划。One state's regulators can scuttle a regional plan.

但如果他们把奥巴马的候选名单刷下,那奥巴马只是简单地换名字就可以了。But if they scuttle Mr Obama's nominee, he will simply name another.

有两次他把他的拐杖带进去,而有一次他带进去一个媒斗。Twice he brought in his walking stick, and once he brought in the coal scuttle.

因为你看到几只老鼠在地板上一窜而过,真令人恶心。because you've seen mice started to scuttle across the floor and it's disgusting.

即使是淡水洼地也有鳄鱼潜匿其中,此外,蝎子也会在岩石上跑来跑去。Crocodiles lurk even in the freshwater ponds, and scorpions scuttle over the rocks.

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时尚型手机网站的需求增长将使得网管们的竞争日趋加剧。The increase for demand of mobile-fashioned websites will drive webmasters into a scuttle.

艾博特威胁要挫败现任总理陆克文提出的总量限制与交易议案。Abbott threatens to scuttle current Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's proposed cap and trade bill.

他想这条船怎样处理呢?最好将它凿沉,但这样做很可能被人看见。He wondered what to do about the boat. Ideally he would scuttle it, but he might be seen doing so.

当黑手党把船炸沉时,这艘船似乎正在运送桶装核废料。It appears to have been carrying drums of nuclear waste when the mafia used explosives to scuttle it.

越过石头,两个身穿制服的女人在来回奔忙,勤勉地清扫着已然一尘不染的水泥地面。And past it scuttle a pair of uniformed women, diligently sweeping already spotless slabs of concrete.

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她的父母更不愿意采取行动,因为可能坏了她的终身大事。Her parents will be even less willing to take action because it could scuttle her chances of marriage.

他大胆而鲁莽地打开了穷人窥视富人、世界窥视中国的“天窗”。He is bold and harum-scarum ground opened China of peek of poor peek wealthy person, world " scuttle ".

当食人魔发动战争的时候,这些哥孬布拉们也认定自己强悍的足以去战斗。When the Ogres march to war, behind them scuttle Gnoblars who believe themselves tough enough to fight.

我和吹来的每阵风打赌,直到自然着恼派遣一个事实来拜访我,我的气球飞走了!BET with every Wind that blew, till Nature in chagrin Employed a Fact to visit me and scuttle my Balloon!

文章从天窗密封条振动的力学模型上探讨产生摩擦异响的机理以及解决此类异响的对策。In this study, the mechanism and solution of such noise genera- based on the vibration model of scuttle seal.

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就在我握着把柄拾起第二个煤斗并尽力将焦炭从地上铲起来时,这座煤山开始移动起来。As I picked up the second scuttle by the handles and tried to shovel the coke up off the floor, the mountain began to move.

这些可爱的小动物从马路的一头飞跑到另一头,再从排水道钻出来,以免被过路的车撞到。The cute animals scuttle from one side of the road to the other and pop out of drains in order to avoid being hit by traffic.

董事会权衡考虑劲头十足的李彦宏辞职来阻止并购的可能性,最后一致同意公司上市。Weighing the possibility that the impassioned Li might resign and scuttle an acquisition, the board voted unanimously to go public.