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他是唯一的神和人之间的调停者。He is the only divine-human Mediator.

那么中保指谁?是摩西吧?Well who was the mediator? Moses right?

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这让他成为了一个很优秀的调解人。This trait makes him an excellent mediator.

祂是神与人中间的唯一中保。He is the only mediator between God and men.

他们准备和官方调解人会谈。They are ready to meet the official mediator.

他总是在争论中充当调停人的角色。He always takes the role of a mediator in any dispute.

他说“是借天使经中保之手设立的He says,"It was ordained through angels by a mediator."

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并且是借天使经中保之手设立的。The law was put into effect through angels by a mediator.

伊万缺少自我肯定,在他俩当中充当和事佬。Yvan, less self-assured, acts as a mediator between the two.

音乐是精神世界和感官世界之间的桥梁。Music is the mediator between the spiritual and the sensual life.

这个调停者试图让双方对各自的立场都做一下变动。The mediator attempted to get both sides to modify their positions.

美国调解员只是起促进作用,为解决方案的出现打开通道。The US mediator facilitates, opening the way for solutions to emerge.

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她是情报员、导游、预言家、武士、和平调停者。She was a courier, a guide, a prophet, a warrior, and a peace mediator.

本文对大颗粒泡和某些递质的可能关系进行了讨论。The relationship of dense core vesicle and some mediator was discussed.

新发现表明H2S可能是这些保护作用的介质。The new findings show H2S may be the mediator for these protective benefits.

在对等拓扑中不存在中介者的概念。In the case of peer-to-peer topology there is no notion of a mediator service.

调解员在做这个工作时,还需要要鼓励他们达成平衡。The mediator does this while encouraging parents to reach a parenting solution.

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GIP是作为第二介质的候选者,但未显示出是一个重要的角色。GIP is a candidate as a second mediator but doesn't appear to be a major player.

在生活中,天秤座的女非常善于做调解人或者是判官。In life, she will be very good in providing her services as a mediator or judge.

我的朋友发现了一盒神秘的磁带,是她从她的婚姻调解师那里偷来的。My friend found a mysterious tape which was stolen from her mediator of marriage.