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普特洛克勒斯身受重伤倒下,不久后便死去了。Patroclus fell mortally wounded and died soon.

普特洛克勒斯和达芙妮犹豫了,不过他们也饿了。Patroclus and Daphne hesitated, but they were hungry, too.

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一来到内斯特的营帐,普特洛克勒斯就看到玛卡翁和其他人都受伤了。Arriving at Nestor's tent, Patroclus saw Machaon and many others wounded.

普特洛克勒斯回来了,他们把事情告诉他,他也坐下来和母子俩一同大哭。Patroclus came home, and they told him, and he sat down and lamented with them.

小胖仔名叫爱涅阿斯,他的爸爸叫普特洛克勒斯,他的妈妈叫达芙妮。The fat boy's name was AEneas, his father's name was Patroclus , and his mother's Daphne.

普特洛克勒斯从此留在国王身边侍驾,经常整天站在大殿前听候差遣。Patroclus was in constant attendance on the King and used to stand all day in his antechamber.

普特洛克勒斯忘记了阿喀琉斯的嘱咐,他离赫克托耳太近了,结果被认了出来。Patroclus forgot what Achilles had advised him, and came too near to Hector, and was recognized.

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普特洛克勒斯就着厨房的炉子把家里的切肉刀磨个锋利,然后一家人全都跑进土豆地里去了。Patroclus sharpened the carving-knife on the kitchen stove, and they all went out into the potato field.

说时迟,那时快,普特洛克勒斯捡起一个巨大的小金雀花,把它径直丢进南瓜巨人的嘴里。Then Patroclus picked up an enormous young Plantagenet and threw it plump into the Pumpkin Giant's mouth.

一天早晨,普特洛克勒斯和爱涅阿斯一起去地里刨土豆,这时候正好该新土豆上市了。One morning Patroclus and AEneas were out in the field digging potatoes, for new potatoes were just in the market.

一天上午,国王出宫狩猎,骑着马,带着一队骑士,碰巧经过普特洛克勒斯的小屋。One morning the King had been out hunting and happened to ride by the cottage of Patroclus with a train of his knights.

在对友人的爱和忧虑之间挣扎的帕特洛克勒斯随之前往,并不知道接下来的几年对于他们所珍爱的一切都将会是一场考验。Torn between love and fear for his friend, Patroclus goes with him, little knowing that the years that follow will test everything they hold dear.