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这是一部袖珍本。This is a copy in miniature.

巴黎是法国的缩影。Paris is France in miniature.

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模型里甚至还有小型的粪堆。There are even miniature manure piles.

介绍了一种袖珍声级计。A miniature sound-level meter is devised.

黑色迷你雪纳瑞价格是多少呢?Black Miniature Schnauzer How much is it?

他给我显示了大厦的模型。He showed me the miniature of the mansion.

他把全部演说辞收录在案,但是又简化它。He has recorded whole speeches, but miniature one.

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由点到面,由台江看贵州,指出台江是贵州的缩影。Points out the Taijiang is a miniature of Guizhou.

这个小孩子正在玩他的玩具小汽车。The child was playing with his miniature motorcar.

微型低电压,精密降压控制器。Miniature low-voltage, precision step-down controller.

鳄鱼农场,吴哥遗址微缩景观公园。Crocodile Farm, Miniature Replicas of Angkor's Temples.

我轻轻地把微型松果按在雪人的头上。With a flourish I put a miniature pinecone on his head.

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我轻轻地把一个微型松果按在雪人的头上。With a flourish I put a miniature pinecone on his head.

我自己会动手画一些微型铅笔画。I do a little bit of pencil drawing myself in miniature.

泰勒先生在墙上挂上了一幅世界地图的缩图。Mr. Taylor put a miniature map of the World on the wall.

他现在靠为别人设计小型房屋而谋生。Shafer is now making money by designing miniature homes.

于是这个人打开他的包,拿出了一架小钢琴。So the guy opens his bag and produces a miniature piano.

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越来越多的产品向着微型化、精密化的方向发展。More and more products are getting miniature and precise.

研制成微型全固态绿激光器。The miniature solid state green laser has been developed.

在博物馆里有一对船“五月花的一个缩影。”In the museum there is a miniature of the ship"Mayflower."