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博尔曼和洛弗尔继续环绕地球飞行。Borman and Lovell continued to circle the Earth.

罗薇尔女士说,“这就是故事开始的地方。”"This is where the story starts, " Ms. Lovell said.

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罗薇尔女士说,“这就是故事开始的地方。”“This is where the story starts, ” Ms. Lovell said.

宇航员弗兰克Borman和詹姆斯洛弗尔是双子座的船员7人。Astronauts Frank Borman and James Lovell were the crew of Gemini Seven.

Borman和Lovell宇航员已经在太空中多三百三小时。Astronauts Borman and Lovell had been in space more than three hundred thirty hours.

“它让你意识到你在地球上所拥有的一切,”阿波罗8的宇航员吉姆·拉维尔说道。"It makes you realise just what you have back there on earth, " said Apollo 8's Jim Lovell.

罗薇尔说,“香港的起源离不开鸦片,或好或坏,没有鸦片战争都不会有今天的香港。”Lovell said.“For better or for worse, Hong Kong would not be what it is today without the Opium Wars.

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宇航员弗兰克•博尔曼、詹姆斯•弗洛尔和威廉•安德斯处在土星五号火箭的顶端的宇宙飞船中。Astronauts Frank Borman, James Lovell and William Anders were in the spacecraft at the top of the Saturn Five rocket.

混血女佣把洛弗尔太太叫到门厅,后者旋即皱着眉头回来了。The mulatto maid called Mrs. Lovell Mingott into the hall, and the latter came back in a moment with a frowning brow.

使罗薇尔女士受到冲击的是一些中国的年轻人在经历爱国主义教育中的矛盾心理,甚至是自我批评。What struck Ms. Lovell was the ambivalence, even self-criticism, of some of the young Chinese undergoing patriotic education.

尽管赛尔南和洛弗尔表达了对奥巴马这一决定的失望,但是与会的阿姆斯特朗却巧妙地避开了这一话题。Although Cernan and Lovell expressed their dismay with President Obama's decision, Mr Armstrong tactfully avoided the subject.

罗薇尔女士还遇到一些愤怒的民族主义青年,被称为“愤青”,他们具有反西方的情绪。Ms. Lovell also met with some of the angry nationalist youth called the “fenqing,” who are known for their anti-Western sentiments.

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罗薇尔女士还遇到一些愤怒的民族主义青年,被称为“愤青”,他们具有反西方的情绪。Ms. Lovell also met with some of the angry nationalist youth called the “fenqing, ” who are known for their anti-Western sentiments.

“是啊,里吉纳若是躲起来不露面,比要求别人支持更得体,”洛弗尔太太赞同地说。"Yes, it would be more becoming in Regina to hide her own countenance than to talk about other people's, " Mrs. Lovell Mingott agreed.

最近在华府举行的一项活动中,阿波罗八号指挥舱驾驶员詹姆斯·洛威尔回想起当时他的机组员接受研究月球表面的训练。At a recent event in Washington, Apollo 8 command module pilot James Lovell recalled that his crew was trained to study the Moon's surface.

除了一个客户,Lovell把病情向所有的客户隐瞒了一年多,直到她完成化疗,不想再忍受戴假发了。Lovell hid her cancer from all but one client for more than a year--until she was done with treatment and couldn't stand her wig any longer.

罗薇尔说,“香港的起源离不开鸦片,或好或坏,没有鸦片战争都不会有今天的香港。”“Hong Kong’s origins are steeped in opium, ” Ms. Lovell said. “For better or for worse, Hong Kong would not be what it is today without the Opium Wars.”

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在失重威胁到他们在舱内安全之前,指令长吉姆•洛韦尔只有15分钟时间进行系列数学计算。Commander Jim Lovell had just 15 minutes to make a series of critical mathematical calculations before a loss of power threatened to strand them in space.

洛弗尔女士将该故事编织成一匹19世纪早期的历史锦缎,当欧洲对中国的丝绸、茶叶和瓷器有着无法满足的需求。Ms Lovell weaves this story into the historical brocade of the early 19th century, when European demand for Chinese silk, tea and porcelain was insatiable.

当然,克朗兹、罗威尔还有其他执行阿波罗飞行任务的“老人”们总有一天会死去,而且他们现在已经老了。Kranz and Lovell and the rest of the Apollo vets are, of course, also plainly, fallibly mortal — a fact betrayed not least by the fact that they're also now old.