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之后,IFo二号难民营开始兴建。Construction of Ifo II camp began shortly after.

在德国,衡量商业信心的Ifo指数为5年来最低。In Germany the Ifo index, a gauge of business confidence, has sunk to a five-year trough.

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这就使IFO指数对德国经济前景的预测作用不如从前。This may make the Ifo index a less useful guide to domestic economic prospects than it used to be.

2011年7月31日,肯尼亚索马里边境线附近的达达阿布,日落时分的难民营。The sun sets over the Ifo extension refugee campin Dadaab, near the Kenya-Somalia border, July 31, 2011.

爱德华兹同时说,从7月25号开始把人安置到伊福三号扩增营地的工作仍在持续进行。Meanwhile, Edwards says the relocation of people into the new Ifo III Extension, which began July 25, is continuing.

本文描述了将无语义的关系模式转换成IFO图的方法,同时给出了该方法的具体应用。A method of mapping uninterpreted relation schemes into IFO diagrams is described. Its practical applications are given.

尽管德国6月Ifo调查显示未来展望或许不差,但分析师表示这并不代表经济现在就脱离险境.While the German June Ifo survey suggested better times may lie ahead, analysts said that did not mean its economy was now out of danger.

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现时市场无须太多藉口沽售欧元,偏软的IFO指数似乎会提供更多卖出长仓的理由。The EUR doesn't need much of an excuse to sell off at present, with a softer IFO likely to provide further reason to offload long positions.

德国慕尼黑IFO研究机构编制的经济景气指数在五年多来于10月降低至最低。The Munich Ifo Institute's index, which measures the mood of German businesses, sank to its lowest level for more than five years in October.

营地在将近两年前开始动工,它作为达达阿布伊福营地的扩增营地,用意在解决三个现存营地过度拥挤的情况。Construction began nearly two years ago, as an expansion of the Ifo camp at Dadaab. It was meant to decongest the overcrowding in the three existing camps.

因此,瑞士经济与德国经济息息相关,瑞士的GDP增长率与德国商业信心指数Ifo显示出密切的相关性。As a result, Switzerland's economy is tied to Germany's, with Swiss GDP growth and Germany's IFO index of business confidence exhibiting a close relationship.

根据最新报道称,德国10月份Ifo商业景气指数上升至107.6,此前分析师预计该指数从9月份的106.8下滑至106.4。The German Ifo Institute’s business climate index rose to 107.6 in October, according to news reports. The indicator was expected to slip to 106.4 from 106.8 in September.

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周五公布的调查料将显示,德国企业信心下滑,6月德国Ifo企业景气判断指数预计从5月的114.2滑落至113.5.A survey on Friday is expected to show a dip in business confidence in Germany, with the Ifo business climate index forecast to slip to 113.5 in June from 114.2 the prior month.

位于慕尼黑的Ifo研究所公布,根据对7000位经理人的调查,10月份Ifo商业景气指数升至107.6,高于9月份的106.8,创下2007年5月以来最高点。The Munich- based Ifo institute said its business climate index, based on a survey of 7,000 executives, rose to 107.6 from 106.8 in September. That’s the highest since May 2007.

位于慕尼黑的Ifo研究所公布,根据对7000位经理人的调查,10月份Ifo商业景气指数升至107.6,高于9月份的106.8,创下2007年5月以来最高点。The Munich- based Ifo institute said its business climate index, based on a survey of 7, 000 executives, rose to 107.6 from 106.8 in September. That’s the highest since May 2007.

位于慕尼黑的研究机构Ifo宣布,根据对7000位经理人的调查,德国1月份商业经济景气指数为110.3,超过12月份的109.8,高于彭博社调查41位分析师的平均预期。The Ifo institute’s business climate index, based on a survey of 7, 000 executives, increased to 110.3 from 109.8 in December, beating the median of 41 forecasts in a Bloomberg News survey.

联合国难民署两年来敦促肯尼亚政府开放伊福二号营地,但肯尼亚政府以安全理由拒绝让难民住在永久性的建筑。The UNHCR has been urging the Kenyan government to open Ifo II for the past two years. But, the government has refused to allow refugees to live in permanent structures, citing security concerns.

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在缓解过度拥挤的达达阿布难民营的努力上,爱德华兹说,联合国难民署和伙伴机构正在扩建一个原来被称为伊福二号的区域,来容纳还在增加的难民潮。In another bid to ease the overcrowding in Dadaab, Edwards says the UNHCR and its partners are working to expand an area, formerly known as Ifo II, to shelter the ever-increasing refugee arrivals.