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真正的纤夫!Real boat tracker !

杰克说,“我要你激活追踪器。”I want you to activate the tracker.

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你能引开追踪者么?Can you lead the tracker away from here?

我们目前尚没有购买激光跟踪仪。We currently do not purchase laser tracker.

练习用笔作追踪器和定速器。Practice using the pen as a tracker and pacer.

听着,兄弟,我们需要吉赛儿她是很棒的追踪者。Look, man, we need Giselle. She's a great tracker.

几个月之后,她在她的车上发现了GPS跟踪器。She found the GPS tracker on her car a few months later.

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此外,海盗湾仅仅是一个种子跟踪网站。Besides, The Pirate Bay is only one bit-torrent tracker site.

照我说的做,雅梅,我需要知道追踪器是否有效。Do it, Jamey. I need to know that the tracker is functioning properly.

一款流行的追踪器屏蔽工具——最难安装。Ghostery, a popular tracker blocker, was the most difficult to set up.

这可能是分散、分布式问题跟踪器的基础。This might be the basis for a decentralized, distributed issue tracker.

这是美联社全球经济更总数据中30个国家中第五快的国家。That was fifth-fastest among the 30 countries in the AP's global tracker.

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双向通话,这是否意味着我可以使用手机的卫星定位跟踪器为?Two way calling, does that mean I can use this GPS tracker as a cell phone?

最核心的部分是一个“太阳能追踪器”,由废旧的自行车链轮齿、弹簧和石头组成的。At its heart is a "solar tracker" made of old bicycle sprockets, springs and rocks.

小舆图移动,并且可以移动任务赶踪,耐久小人。Minimap moving, and movement of things like the quest tracker and durability frame.

以三坐标测量机和激光跟踪仪为主要测量手段进行了标定试验。Calibration experiments were made by CMM and laser tracker as main measuring methods.

记录下你的钱花、快速、简单易用的个人预算盈。Keep track of your money with Spend, a quick and easy-to-use personal budget tracker.

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中国实验光干涉仪恒星跟踪器的硬件部分——光机电结构已经确定下来了。The hardware structure of star tracker in Chinese Interferometer has been determined.

研究了面向星敏感器的星模式识别算法。In the article the star-pattern recognition algorithms for a star tracker are studied.

凯西.托马斯不知道FBI在她的车上放置跟踪器是否获得了授权。Kathy Thomas doesn’t know if the FBI obtained a warrant to place the tracker on her car.