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控制处理管道。Control the processing pipeline.

SSA的管道论很有趣。The SSA's pipeline graphic is interesting.

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凯菲监管公司的石油管道安全。Caffey oversaw pipeline safety at the company.

直到128天后,一条运水管道建成。A water pipeline restored water 128 days later.

最近,他们铺设了一条地下管道。Reccntly they have laid an underground pipeline.

他们最近铺了一条地下管道。Recently they have laid an underground pipeline.

这条管线的安装标高是若干?Whover at is the instingl elev of this pipeline?

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这条管线的安装标高是若干?Whin is the instingline elevine of this pipeline?

这条管线的装配标高是多少?Whalong with is the instingl elev of this pipeline?

这条管线的安装标高是若干?Whlocated on is the instingl elev of this pipeline?

这条管线的安置标高是多少?What is the installation elevation of this pipeline?

关于发展方面,永旺拥有强大的管道。On the development front, Aeon has a robust pipeline.

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俄总理普京开启中俄原油管道俄罗斯段阀门。Russian section of Russia-China oil pipeline launched.

产品创新渠道看似未受影响。The pipeline of product innovation looks well-stocked.

正在运送更多的医疗和手术供应品。More medical and surgical supplies are in the pipeline.

这条管线将安置于八号管廊架上。This pipeline will be installed on the No. 8 pipe rack.

管道焊接不得使用氧乙炔焰焊接。Oxyacetylene flame can' be used for welding of pipeline.

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该系统在输油管线上已得到广泛应用。The system has been widely applied in petroleum pipeline.

不选择的通道都简单的从渲染管道中移除。De-selected channels are simply removed from the pipeline.

在有需要的地方,同步规划设计管道直饮水系统。In needed areas, with direct water pipeline system design.