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粉缺乏赖氨酸,蛋氨酸和亮氨酸。Cottonseed meal is deficient in lysine , methionine and leucine.

它是豆油或棉花籽油同蔗糖结合而成的。It's either soybean oil or cottonseed oil, combined with sucrose.

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你可以用树皮,松针,棉籽叶或橡树叶做的根护物。You can use mulch made from bark, pine needles, cottonseed or oak leaves.

比萨皮中使用的小麦是经过转基因的,它含有棉籽油。Wheat in the pizza crust is genetically modified. Contains cottonseed oil.

你可以使用由树皮、松针、棉籽或橡树叶制成的根护物。You can use mulch made from bark , pine needles, cottonseed or oak leaves.

该风选器适用油脂工厂对棉子的清理。And this suction aspirator is applicable to clearing up cottonseed in oil plants.

介绍了从棉籽饼粕中提取天然氨基酸的步骤和方法。A procedure for extracting amino acid from oil residue of cottonseed was introduced.

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这些村庄的村民因使用未经加工的棉花籽油做饭导致摄入棉子酚。It turned out that the villagers had been using unprocessed cottonseed oil for cooking.

对酒糟与棉籽壳不同比例的配方栽培平菇进行了初步探索。Preliminary exploration of different ratios of wine dross and cottonseed hulls is made.

实验是通过用棉籽油为原料,KOH做催化剂制备生物柴油的。Transesterification of cottonseed oil with methanol was carried out with KOH as catalyst.

研究了棉油甲酯在碘的催化下发生异构化反应的规律。The isomerization of methyl ester of cottonseed oil by the catalyst iodine was investigated.

用毛细管流变仪研究了棉籽粉的流变特性。The rheological properties of cottonseed meal were investigated using a capillary rheometry.

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关于上次装运到利物浦的那批棉花籽油,我真要抱怨你。I have got a bone to pick with you, Mr. Patel ! Over your last cottonseed oil shipment to Liverpool.

在工业生产上,棉籽油可用于生产肥皂、甘油、油墨、润滑油及农药溶剂等。In the industrial, cottonseed oil can be used to produce soap, glycerin, ink, solvent oil and pesticide.

本文研究了转基因棉籽的食用安全性以及对动物肌体抗氧化系统的影响。The food safety of transgenic cottonseed and their effects on the antioxidant system of rat were examined.

棉仁蛋白是一种潜在的重要食品资源,由于棉酚的存在一直未被人类充分利用。The total gossypol and free gossypol in edible cottonseed protein are determined by phloroglucinol colorimetry.

利用双螺杆食品挤压机对棉籽饼粕进行了挤压脱除棉酚的试验,考察了加工参数对脱毒效果的影响。Effects of processing parameters on cottonseed meal de-gossypol results were studied using a twin-screw extruder.

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利用不经提纯的棉籽油脚为原料,合成出棉籽油脚单乙醇胺磺基琥珀酸单酯盐。The disoium cottonseed wasted-oil monoethanolamine sulfosuccinate was synthesized from natural cottonseed wasted-oil.

本研究表明,深耕下专用肥配施饼肥是豫中麦区最好的耕作培肥方式。It showed that deep tillage with chemical fertilizer mixed cottonseed was the best model of tillage and fertilization.

葵花油、红花油或棉子油及其分离品,不论是否精制,但未经化学改性。Sunflower-seed, safflower or cottonseed oil and fractions thereof, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified.