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奢侈了怎么处罚?How to penalize the luxury officers?

你的侦察和搜寻检定不再因雨和雪受到处罚。Rain and snow don't penalize your Spot and Search checks.

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即使你答错我也不会为难你I'm not going to penalize you for giving the wrong answer.

你的侦察和搜寻检定不再因雨和雪受到处罚。Rain and snow do not penalize your Spot and Search checks.

他还指出中国的政策在惩罚美国公司。He also noted Chinese policies that penalize American firms.

科赫工业公司没有处罚负责石油管线安全的凯菲。Koch Industries didn’t penalize Caffey, the executive in charge of pipeline safety.

考虑到这个男孩还是个未成年人,法官并没有简单地审判并惩处这个男孩。Considering the lad was a minor, judges did not simply try the case and penalize him.

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依法对证券期货违法违规行为进行调查、处罚。To investigate and penalize violations of securities and futures laws and regulations.

她最痛恨的就是吃里扒外的员工,这些人必须严惩。She hates bitterly most of be eat in pick outside hired, these folk must severely penalize.

这些资金应该用在那些良好信誉的房屋拥有者和租房者。This money should be used for things that do not penalize responsible homeowners and renters.

例如,可能插入更常见,所以插入扣的分要比删除少。For example, maybe insertions are more common and you'd want to penalize them less than deletions.

各成员国应禁止和惩处以任何形式对提出投诉的海员进行迫害的行为。Each Member shall prohibit and penalize any kind of victimization of a seafarer for filing a complaint.

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显然黄国和谷歌搜索集成,和谷歌知道,当你测试,不会惩罚你。Apparently GWO and Google Search are integrated, and Google knows when you're testing and won't penalize you.

如果真想鼓励银行向企业贷款,就不能因为他们持有风险较高的资产而惩罚他们。If you want to encourage banks to lend to enterprise then you don't penalize them for having higher risk assets.

政府的角色简化为制定目标、监督政策的执行和处罚违规行为等。The role of government is as simplified as to establish goal, supervise policy execution and penalize defaulters.

由于此类犯罪皆为行为犯,传播行为的完成与否应是犯罪行为是否得逞的判断标准。It is not necessary to penalize criminal termination of offence of spreading obscene articles in preparation stage.

如果哪个人不努力干活,惩罚他是非常简单的,因为我们有一套多劳多得的体制。If the person does not work hard, it is very easy to penalize him because of the new system of more pay for more work.

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依法对商标使用进行管理,组织查处商标侵权行为。To administer exclusive use right of trademarks according to law, to investigate and penalize trademark infringements.

这次争议似乎并非是因为政府试图惩罚于教授,而是因为两人之间的过节。The debate appears to stem less from any official attempt to penalize Prof. Yu, than from the feud between the two men.

如此大规模的支持计划庇护了没有竞争力的生产者,而惩罚了高效率的生产者,而后者往往在贫困国家。Such large support programs shield non-competitive producers, and penalize efficient producers, often in poor countries.