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霍乱是加尔各答的流行病。Cholera is endemic in Kolkota.

在北美,肥胖已成一种地方病。Obesity is endemic in North America.

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水虎是亚马逊盆地的特产。Piranhas are endemic to the Amazon basin.

第一个是腐败问题,这已经成为了一种地方病了。The first is corruption, which has become endemic.

又名仰鼻猴,是中国的特有物种。The golden snub-nosed monkey are endemic to China.

这种胸部疾病是流行于本地区矿工中的地方病。The chest disease is endemic among miners in this area.

即便如此,拜林还面临着更严重的问题----疟疾。But an even bigger problem is malaria. It's endemic here.

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也许有种里弗克罗斯在喀麦隆排水。Probably endemic to the River Cross drainage in Cameroon.

树袋熊和毛鼻袋熊是澳洲特有的动物品种。The koala and the wombat are species endemic to Australia.

这是流行国家有史以来的最低数字记录。This is the lowest number of endemic countries in history.

而在荷兰,反天主教主义盛极一时In the case of the Netherlands, anti-Catholicism is endemic.

沙地云杉是中国的珍稀濒危树种。Picea mongolica is an endemic and endangered species in China.

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这个概念总是被用来与风土病比较。This idea is most useful when contrasted with the term endemic.

巽他山椒鸟,是山椒鸟科山椒鸟属的一种,为印度尼西亚的特有种。It is endemic to Indonesia, where it occurs on Sumatra and Java.

达到一种境界这一程序师专指本工作程序。Achieve a situation in which order is endemic to the work system.

中国伞形科特有属的区系分析。The floristic analysis of endemic genera in Chinese Umbelliferae.

风卷过的起点,有种疲倦又有种新鲜。Each starting point, there are endemic species of fresh and tired.

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地方性氟中毒是一种在全球流行的地方病。The endemic fluorosis is a kind of endemic disease around the rord.

这里生长着古老的桃金娘树、本地种属的泪柏,还有稀有的白木。Here , ancient myrtle, endemic huon pines and rare whitey wood grow.

黄石沙地马鞭草是黄石公园湖边特有的植物。Yellowstone sand verbena are endemic to the Yellowstone's lakeshores.