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你的收音机能收听到美国之音吗?Can you get VOA on your radio?

我是大卫得福斯,美国之音新闻。I'm David DeForest , VOA News.

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我是大卫。美国之音新闻。I'm David Deforest , VOA news.

我的收音机收不到美国之音的节目。I can't get VOA on my radio set.

VOA新闻,艾米莉·奥柏于金沙萨为您播报。Emilie Iob, for VOA News, in Kinshasa.

美国之音记者问他,罢工是否成功。VOA asked him if the strike is successful.

统计局每五年修订一次税率。The VOA revises the rates every five years.

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美国之音慢速学英语节目,这里是时事新闻。From VOA Learning English, this is In the News.

这里是美国之音特别英语农业报道节目。This is the VOA special English agriculture repot.

美国之音驻白宫记者司各特斯通报道。VOA White House correspondent Scotts Stone reports.

这是VOA美国之音慢速英语。我吉姆特德。And that's the VOA Special English . I'm Jim Tedder.

我是位于华盛顿的美国之音新闻中的戴卫。I am David Forest from VOA news center in Washington.

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我是里克格尔从华盛顿VOA中心为您报道。I am Rick Gell form the VOA news center in Washington.

帕克对美国之音说,她不会被恐怖主义所吓倒。Parker told VOA she would not be deterred by terrorism.

美国之音台长奥斯汀驳斥了伊朗的指责。VOA Director Dan Austin has rejected Iran's accusations.

VOA美国之音慢速英语。我斯托弗克鲁斯。And that's in VOA Special English. I'm Christopher Cruise.

我是佛朗西斯阿朗佐,在华盛顿的美国之声新闻中心。From the VOA News Center in Washington, I'm Frances Alonzo.

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我是华盛顿美国之音新闻中心的大卫德佛瑞斯特。I'm David De Forest from the VOA News Center in Washington.

现在是美国之音慢速英语词汇掌故节目。Now the VOA Special English program WORDS AND THEIR STORIES.

美国之音拥有自己的反审查项目,该项目由肯恩•贝尔曼领导。VOA has its own anti-censorship programs, led by Ken Berman.