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并且和他们沟通。And communicate that to them.

欢迎各位与我交流!Welcom to communicate with me!

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哧哧的笑声传达的是什么呢?But what do titters communicate?

他也无法和我们沟通。He couldn't communicate with us.

内人和我之间缺乏沟通。My wife and I do not communicate.

我们无法和他沟通。We couldn't communicate with him.

您可以学到如何流畅的沟通思想。You learn to communicate your ideas.

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我喜欢煳我的家人沟通。I like to communicate with my family.

然而,他们可以与她沟通。Yet, they could communicate with her.

只要两心能相寄。As long as two hearts can communicate.

发言时采取有理有据的沟通方式Communicate persuasively when speaking

我和女舶友之间不沟通。My girlfriend and I do not communicate.

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鼠蚤会把疾病传染给人。Rat-fleas communicate a disease to man.

学会沟通思想很重。It is important to learn to communicate.

聋哑人用手势交际。Deaf-mutes communicate by their gestures.

每个人要戴着耳机才能通话。Everybody wears earphones to communicate.

他能用心电感应与她沟通。He can communicate with her by telepathy.

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你能和鱼雷快艇联络吗?Are you able to communicate with thee-boat?

向孩子传达你对他/她的期望。Communicate your expectations to the child.

人又是通过有限而与无限打交道的。Human communicate with eternity via finity.