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这就是所谓的脱色。This is called depigmentation.

共计脱色的鼻子或内部的嘴唇。Total depigmentation of the nose or inside of the lips.

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头发脱色和匙状甲表明营养不良。Depigmentation of the hair and spooned nails point to malnutrition.

脱色与皮肤美白或皮肤漂白并非一回事,也不相同。Depigmentation is not the same as "skin lightening" or "skin bleaching.

莫诺苯宗已成功用于脱色治疗。Monomethylether of hydroquinone has also been used successfully for depigmentation.

有人宣称患白癜风或脱色后会增加得皮肤癌的机率,这是不正确的。Claims that vitiligo or depigmentation leads to greater chance of skin cancer are not true.

应用甲基橙褪色分光光度法测定酱中碘。To use them ethyl orange depigmentation spectrophotometry to detect the iodine in the sauce.

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他们甚至可能继续重新形成色素到足够程度,从而他们不再需要考虑去色素的问题。They may even go on to repigment enough so that they no longer need to consider depigmentation.

目的探讨烧伤后色素脱失的较理想的治疗方法。Objective To investigate a therapeutic method for treatment of depigmentation after burn injury.

还有一些用于家畜烙印的褪色剂也可作用外用的脱色剂。Some depigmentation agents used for branding cattle can also serve as topical depigmentation agents.

有关黑素原机理的最近理论和防止色素沉着的各种研究的评述。Recent theories on the mechanism of melanogenesis and the various approaches of depigmentation were reviewed.

我的建议是作为全身治疗手段进行脱色,这也是本论坛的建议。My recommendation is to approach depigmentation as a whole body solution, and that is what this forum is about.

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目的白癜风是一种以皮肤色素脱失为主要表现的获得性、色素障碍性疾病。Objective Vitiligo is an acquired disorder of depigmentation characterised by the loss of pigment from epidermis.

养血祛风为主中药能提高表皮移植术治疗白癜风的近期治愈率和降低远期色素再脱失率。Herbs with the actions of nourishing blood and expelling wind can enhance the short-term effect of epidermic grafting for vitiligo and decrease the depigmentation rate.

产品内的生物酶有助于轻柔地去除皮肤角质,促进皮肤再生,继而淡化皮肤色素。The formulation is enhanced by bio-enzymes to gently exfoliate the skin to promote cell turnover on the surface of the skin, thereby promoting depigmentation of the skin.

介绍了在分光光度法分析中,增色反应和褪色反应的标准曲线绘制用朗伯—比耳定律可推导出一般数学表达形式。The paper uses Bouguer-Beer law calculating common mathematic expression to protract specification curve of increasing color reaction and depigmentation reaction in spectrophotometry analysis.