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借书证?A library card?

这是图书管吗?Is this the library ?

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他进入了那图书馆。He entered the library.

选择哪个图形库?Which graphics library?

将添加一个用户库。A user library is added.

短周期的图书馆。The Short-Lived Library.

船上甚至还有一个藏书楼。There is even a library.

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图书证是免费的。The library card is free.

图书馆的现状如何?And how about the library?

伯克利像一座图书馆。Berklee is like a library.

舰上有一个图书馆。There is a library aboard.

市图书馆在哪里?Where is the city library?

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把书从图书馆借出来。Borrow it from the library.

不要污损图书馆的书籍。Don't deface library books.

自动贩卖机式的图书馆。The Vending-Machine Library.

图书馆下午5点关门。The library closes at 5 p.m.

这是耶鲁的冰球馆!This is the library of Yale!

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我能用一下你的借书证吗?Can I have your library card?

你的图书馆是怎么用的呢?How is your library using it?

杨广在图书馆里吗?Is Yang Guang in the library?