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我决不容许任何干涉行径。I will brook no interference.

我没办法见好就收。I won't interference you from now on !

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语音干扰分析装置?。VIAS? Voice Interference Analysis Set?

这里是相消干涉。We have destructive interference here.

我们不容许任何外来干涉。We will brook no outside interference.

他们的爱情不容置喙。Their love allows no one's interference.

立体,干涉和衍射。Stereoscopy, interference and diffraction.

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本文研究了自混合干涉。Firstly, we study self-mixing interference.

他的干预引起了混乱。His interference spilt over into confusion.

我们反对任何外来势力插手干预。We oppose interference by any outside force.

他们的扰乱把整个事情都弄糟了。Their interference bollixed up the whole deal.

有没有这个空间结构的干扰。There is no structural interference in this space.

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这对于保护的抗干扰性是有用的。This is useful for the protection of interference.

他盼望不要受到她母亲的干涉。He was reckoning without her mother's interference.

马克的掺和只是让情况进一步复杂化了。Mark's interference merely ravelled things further.

这种妨碍早于一九四二年九月业已开始。This interference began as early as September 1942.

这种情形称作相长干涉。This situation is called constructive interference.

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如果发现干扰,就会回退并重试。If interference is detected, they back off and retry.

减少病人床上坐起障碍。Decreases interference while sitting client up in bed.

那是音叉发出的声波的干涉的结果。That’s the interference of sound waves from the forks.