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这草坪的草该割了。The lawn needs mowing.

他们今天正在割草。They are mowing today.

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在猕猴桃上除草。Mowing the lawn on a kiwi.

第14行回到了割草。Line 14 returns us to the work of mowing.

如果我在除草,迈尔斯也会来除草。If I am mowing the lawn, Miles mows the lawn.

指出剪草是禾草草坪管理的核心内容。Turf mowing is a core part of turfgrass management.

这是最艰难的修剪草坪区贵?Which is the most difficult mowing area of your lawn?

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爱弥儿已经在那里开始割草了,他干得十分起劲。Emil had already begun work and was mowing vigorously.

她的亲戚带来了剪草机修整房前屋后的草坪。Her relatives brought whole house lawn mowing machine.

不过,你要注意,割草要割得好,也需要一点技巧。Only, mind you, good mowing requires some little skill.

可以抽出一定比例的地块供收割牧草用。A proportion of the paddocks can be withdrawn for mowing.

如果草长得过高,建议你分两个阶段刈草。If the grass is too tall, mowing in two stages is recommended.

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他花了一下午的光正在后院里割草。He spent the whole afternoon mowing the grass in the back yard.

甚至连用吸尘器打扫卫生、割草坪或遛狗可能都是有效的。Even vacuuming, mowing the lawn or walking your dog might qualify.

我花了整个下午在后院中除草。LAWN】I spent the whole afternoon mowing the lawn in the back yard.

也建议您再次刈割前让草坪有充份的再生长时间。Allowing the lawn to regenerate before the next mowing is also recommended.

对草地的修剪实实在在地去掉了草有性繁殖的可能性。Mowing turfgrass quite literally cuts off the option of sexual reproduction.

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傍晚智杰锄草,我就顺这机会验收一下菜园。This evening we went over to our garden to harvest. Jeff was mowing the loan.

修剪高度和修剪方式对果岭球速的影响均极显著。Mowing height and mowing type had magnificent different on affect green speed.

那意味着你可以在洗澡的时候做礼拜、你可以在后院修剪草坪的时候做礼拜、你可以在洗碟子的时候做礼拜、你也可以在开车去上班的途中做礼拜。You can worship in your backyard mowing the lawn. You can worship washing dishes.