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绒毛水肿和滋养叶细胞增生无临床意义。Villous edema and trophoblast of cell proliferation without clinical significance.

部分病例绒毛高度水肿,滋养叶细胞明显增生。Some cases villous height edema and trophoblast cells of the apparent proliferation.

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目的建立纯度较高的适于试验研究的人绒毛膜滋养层细胞。AIM To prepare highly purified functional human trophoblast cells from human placentae.

而以TLR-4激动剂LPS处理的滋养层细胞并未有细胞活性下降。Treatment of cells with the TLR-4 agonist, LPS, did not reduce trophoblast cell viability.

我们希望能确定感染性乙肝病毒能否穿越极化的单层滋养层。We wished to determine whether infectious HBV can traverse a polarized trophoblast monolayer.

目的培养符合实验要求的人绒毛膜滋养层细胞。Objective To obtain human trophoblast cells suitable for future experiments by in vitro cell culture.

这两种基因相互作用在滋养细胞浸润活性调控中起重要作用。The coeffection of these two genes plays an important role in regulating the invasion of trophoblast.

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妊高征组胎盘滋养层细胞超微结构有明显的病理学改变。The obvious pathological changes were found in ultrastructure of placental trophoblast of study group.

结论综合以往文献报道和本研究的结果,可以看出HBV在体情况下确能够感染滋养层细胞。Conclusions According to some reports and our studies, HBV could infect trophoblast cells in placenta tissue.

因为此时的滋养层巨细胞体积变大,停止增殖,其功能也从侵入型向内分泌型转换。This was consistent with the fact that the trophoblast giant cells stoped to proliferate and invade at this time.

目的建立一种简便易行、经济有效的纯化培养滋养层细胞的方法。Objective To establish a convenient and economical method for purification and culture of human trophoblast cells.

目的探讨如何将人滋养层细胞促融合表位模拟肽构建成有效的避孕免疫原。Objective To explore how to arrange and construct trophoblast fusogenic epitope mimic peptide to obtain an effective immunogen.

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因此我们推论妊娠时宫内感染可能通过TLR受体直接影响了滋养层细胞的功能。We, therefore, hypothesize that intrauterine infections during pregnancy may have a direct effect upon trophoblast cells through TLRs.

功效的同时,给予眼周皮肤更周全的保护与更精细的滋养。但由于其养分较高。Effect at the same time, give the eye skin more comprehensive protection and finer trophoblast. But because of its nutrients were higher.

接下来我们要证实的是TLR-2是否是通过介导凋亡来减少滋养层细胞活力的。The next objective was to determine whether the decrease in trophoblast viability through TLR-2 was the result of an induction in apoptosis.

目的探讨人类白细胞抗原G蛋白在妊娠不同阶段和不同种类滋养细胞的表达差异及生物学意义。Objective To investigate the expression of human leucocyte antigen protein G in different trophoblast cells and different stages of pregnancy.

结论HLA-G蛋白在不同孕期及不同种类滋养层细胞表达的差异,提示其可能参与了滋养细胞的有节制侵袭。Conclusion HLA-G protein expression in different stages of pregnancy and different trophoblasts may be related to the controlled invasion of the trophoblast.

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能够让玉常常贴着肌肤最好,玉不会辜负你丝丝缕缕的滋养,经过你手的玉,也必定会留住你生命的信息。It is better to let the jade stuck skin, jade won't let your trophoblast disappoint , after dealing by your hand, it will retain the information of your own life.

胎盘滋养层细胞作为胎盘屏障的第一层细胞,直接与母亲血液接触,可能是HBV侵入胎盘的关键部位。Trophoblast cells, as the outermost covering of placental barrier, are directly bathed in the maternal blood, might be the key sites for invasion of HBV into placentae.

绒毛膜滋养层细胞的特性及近期发现的滋养层干细胞,使它们成为一个研究细胞分化和器官形成的理想的遗传学平台。The feature of HVT together with the recent establishment of trophoblast stem cells makes them an ideal genetic platform to study cell differentiation and organogenesis.