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你要想说服亨利结婚,非得有法国女人的口才不可。If you can persuade Henry to marry, you must have the address of a Frenchwoman.

其实,法国女人的苗条体型与她们的生活习惯密不可分。Actually, the slim type of build or figure of Frenchwoman and their habits and customs is inseparable.

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在周三比赛结束后,法国籍主教练笑着说“今天的胜利是给我最好的圣诞礼物”。"The victory today is a very good Christmas gift for me, " said the Frenchwoman , smiling after Wednesday's match.

阿纳托利很乐意地回答这个法国女人提出的问题,他面露微笑地打量着她。和她谈论有关她祖国的情形。Anatole very readily answered the Frenchwoman , and smiling and staring at her, he talked to her about her native country.

老公爵给他亲切地回了一封信,之后他就与法国女人疏远了。To this letter, the old prince had sent an affectionate answer, and from that time he had kept the Frenchwoman at a distance.

法国中部地区卢瓦尔图省一名法国妇女被控谋杀三名亲生孩子并将其中两名藏入冰柜。目前该案正在审理中。Frenchwoman accused of killing three of her own babies and hiding two of them in a freezer has gone on trial in Tours, in central France.

夏洛特•本克尔和卡塔里娜•卡雷罗目前都还没有打破法国人让娜•卡尔曼的长寿纪录,她1997年亡故时是122岁。Both Charlotte Benkner and Catalina Carowlay have not broken through the record kept by Jeanne Calment, a Frenchwoman who died in 1997 at age 122.

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在被问及西方女人对中国男人最主要的偏见时,一位25岁的法国女人说“个小、瘦弱、性能力不强”。When woman of west be askinged about's mainest to Chinese man bias, a Frenchwoman of 25 years old says " force of small, emaciated, function is not powerful ".

俗话说生命里只有死亡跟税收是躲不过去的,一法国女性就成了实例,她竟然收到了早在1949年就已经身亡的祖父名字的税单。Frenchwoman found proof of the maxim that nothing in life is certain except death and taxes, when she received a bill in the name of a grandfather who died in 1949.

有三名肯尼亚士兵失踪,其中包括今年早些时候被绑架的两名士兵,第三名士兵是在拯救一名被绑架的法国女性的行动中在海上失踪的。Three Kenyan soldiers are missing, including two who were kidnapped earlier this year, and a third who was lost at sea during a mission to save a kidnapped Frenchwoman.