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认同了沃尔克路线。appointed the Volker course.

有聘任的仲裁员。To have appointed arbitrators.

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他们选出了七执事。The seven deacons are appointed.

一位新的校长被任命。A new head of CUNY was appointed.

他们委任他为邮政局长。They appointed him as postmaster.

他的父亲被任命为邮政局长。His father was appointed postmaster.

他们委任他为委员。They appointed him to the committee.

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他奉派为驻日大使。He was appointed ambassador to Japan.

他是新任命的校长助理。He was appointed ambassador to Sweden.

也许会指派额外的IFSC裁判员。Additional IFSC Judges may be appointed.

乔治的父亲被任命为邮政局长。Geoge's father was appointed postmaster.

如何任命内阁阁员?。How are these Cabinet memgers appointed?

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他将被派担任主席。He will be appointed to the chairmanship.

乔治的父亲被任命为邮政局长。George 's father was appointed postmaster.

他被任命为医院院长。He was appointed director of the hospital.

他被任为那所大学的老师。He was appointed teacher in the university.

我一直在班内担任班长。I have been appointed to monitor the class.

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他们亦称为委任检验师。They are also named as Appointed Examiners.

她被任命为农场的副场长。She was appointed vice-director of the farm.

两名计时员将由主裁判挑选。Two timers are appointed by the chief judge.