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我同意他的观点。I share his perspective.

我明白他的愿景。I understand his perspective.

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静观给予我们视角。Mindfulness gives us perspective.

劳伦斯的现代主义视野。H. Lawrences modernist perspective.

不过现在,我有了不同的见地。Now I have a different perspective.

如何构筑“从外向内看”的视角How to Build an External Perspective

但他试图维持自己的观点。But he tries to maintain perspective.

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我完全理解她的想法。I totally understand her perspective.

憧憬是一件需要学习的好东西。Perspective is a good thing to learn.

从感冒病毒的角度看。Take a perspective of the cold virus.

多么奇妙的生活视角啊。What a wonderful perspective on life.

什么是两点透视图?。What is Two-Point Perspective Drawing?

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你可以从一个新的角度了解它。You can see it from a new perspective.

这就像,它只是加上了透视效果而已。It was like, it just added perspective.

一个或多个视图可组成一个透视图。One or more views make up a perspective.

记住,观点是带主观性的。Remember that perspective is subjective.

这都取决于你的考量I mean,it all depends on your perspective.

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现在您位于服务器透视图。You will now be in the Server perspective.

我能给的建议就是要改变我们的观点。All I can offer is a change of perspective.

我们的唐人街承诺以圈内人的视角作报道。The blog promises an insider's perspective.