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如果您想要减轻重量,讽刺地说,您必须要吃。If you want to lose weight, ironically you have to eat.

具有讽刺意味的是,有时盲目的勇敢出自无知。Ironically sometimes blind brave comes out of nescience.

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具有讽刺意味的是,“舵手权威”在篮球中尤其明显。The Coxswain Authority is especially, ironically evident in basketball.

不过,讽刺的是,大雨却有可能使洪和河的情况变得更糟。But ironically heavy rain may worsen their situation before improving it.

但具有讽刺意味的是,这也导致美元重新走弱。But ironically this has been accompanied by renewed weakness for the dollar.

当然你也不能就这么把他给杀了,观众实在是太喜欢这个人物了。Nor could you kill T-Bag, because ironically he was too loved by the audience.

让人讽刺的是,我甚至开始觉得我和他现在的关系比他生前时更亲密。Ironically I began to feel closer to him in death than I had while he was alive.

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具有讽刺意味的是,比多是为数不多的几名跑完邦塔比赛全程的人之一。Ironically enough, Beedo was one of the few to finish the challenge of the Boonta.

讽刺的是,比赛在山东省——孔子的诞生地举办。It was held, ironically enough, in Shandong Province – the birthplace of Confucius.

可是具有讽刺性的却是他们仍有一个长期性的问题得不到解决----一致性。Ironically enough, there is still one age-old problem they unable to solve-identity.

太多的警匪片可能会很讽刺地导致整个类型的没落。Too many police procedurals may ironically lead to the downfall of the entire genre.

具有讽刺意味的是,广告甚至自认为是真正令人神往的。Ironically enough, the advertisements even claim themselves to be really fascinating.

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具有讽刺意味的是夜宴的长处也似乎将成为限制他成功的短处。Ironically it is the strengths of The Banquet that will likely also limit its success.

他在夜掩护下到来,赶在天亮前急匆匆离开,像做贼一样。He comes during the night and hurries back in darkness, ironically acting like a thief.

讽刺的是,proclivity的词源恰好与后面那种用法吻合。The etymology of the word proclivity is ironically appropriate for this flavor of usage.

但是从那时起,具有讽刺意味的是,每一项艺术创新都必须花更多的钱。But every artistic innovation since then has ironically necessitated spending more money.

“大实话”也许会伤害对方,反而破坏了信任和安全的环境。Extreme honesty may hurt the recipient, ironically destroying trust and the safe environment.

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讽刺的是,海啸过后,缺水成为过去四天福岛核事故的关键问题。Ironically water--or lack of it--has been the real story at Fukushima for the past four days.

同样极具讽刺意味的是,斯威森夫人祈祷阳光,而她的名字却来源于雨神。Ironically Mrs Swithin, who prays for sunshine, bears the name of an allegedly rain-producing saint.

回家的路上我聊以自嘲地想,飘舞的柳絮时不时亲吻我的双眼。I thought to myself ironically on my way back home as the drifting catkins occasionally kissed my eyes.