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二元论者确实可以这么说。Dualist could say that.

假设我是二元论者。So suppose I was a dualist.

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二元论认为,什么是死亡On the dualist view, what was death?

因此正统基督教绝对是相信两元论的。So orthodoxy is definitively dualist.

如果你的回答是不,那你私下里就是个二元论者。If your answer is no, you are a closet dualist.

那就是灵魂的职责,二元论如是说That's what the soul does, so says the dualist.

那并不能证明二元论是错的Well again, that doesn't prove the dualist is wrong.

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二元论认为,人由肉体和灵魂组成There's the dualist view--people are bodies and souls.

那就是二元学说论——人是身体和灵魂。There's the dualist view--people are bodies and souls.

我并不相信二元论的正确性I don't actually think that the dualist view is correct.

就二元论观点,我再多说几句Let me say something more then about the dualist position.

是超自然的,二元论的解释Is the supernatural, dualist explanation the more likely one?

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二元论者可以诉诸鬼魂之类的来解释The dualist can explain that by appealing to ghosts and the like.

二元论认为,人是由肉体和灵魂两部分组成The dualist view, according to which a person is a body and a soul.

所以我认为,这应归入二元论者的立场So that's I think the position that we ought to ascribe to the dualist.

这就是吸引人的地方,至少是众多吸引人地方中的一处,就二元论者的观点而言That's the attraction, at least one of the attractions, of the dualist view.

二元论认为心灵就是灵魂,而灵魂是一种非物质实体The dualist position is that the mind is a soul and the soul is an immaterial object.

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但我们也不能说,二元论的解释更好But I don't think what we should say is, "The better explanation lies with the dualist."

作为一个二元论者,柏拉图理所当然地,把苏格拉底塑造成一个二元论者Plato, as a dualist, portrays Socrates as being a dualist and that's just taken for granted.

然而,二元论的法则在琐罗亚斯德之后的随后时期以一种敏锐的方式出现。The dualist principle, however, reappears in an acute form in a later period, after Zoroaster.