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还是棕色比拟搭,黑色显万马齐喑。Or take the analogy brown, black was immobility.

只有凝固在那里任由风吹过那些金属only immobility and wind blowing through the metal

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爱情要高声,静止本身要壮观。Love speaks up louder, and immobility itself becomes spectacular.

只有最顽强的可承受的惯性,不活动的危险性,和不动。Only the hardiest can withstand the perils of inertia, inactivity, and immobility.

玩麻将与下肢血液循环持久的静止有关。Playing Mah-Jong is associated with prolonged immobility of the circulation of the lower limbs.

看到旁边的人都跳得那么好,自己却依然停留在原地不动。The persons who see a flank all jump so good, but oneself still stay around at first immobility.

本文所叙正是此项技术在固定管板式换热器中的实际应用。In this paper, It talks about the technology application in immobility pipe-board type heating exchanger.

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苯丙胺在一定的剂量范围内明显延长这种不动状态,且呈一定的时效关系。D-amphetamine could prolonged the time of immobility in a moderate dose and time after d-amphetamine administration.

工人们的移动性--或者宁愿不移动--是正在导致这次下滑的重要原因,詹迪先生和其他经济学家说。Worker mobility — or rather immobility — is making a big contribution to this decline, Mr. Zandi and other economists say.

但是,巴沙尔的坚若磐石总体上还是为他赢得了胜券,并加强了叙利亚在地区问题上的中心低位。But Mr Assad's tenacious immobility has proved a winning course overall, reinforcing Syria's centrality to regional issues.

卡蒂埃-布列松拍摄了大约十分钟的时间,期间室利阿罗频多以其全然不动之态给摄影家留下了深刻印象。Cartier-Bresson took about 10 minutes, during which time Sri Aurobindo impressed the photographer with his complete immobility.

因此采用了扩展性的模进练习、固定音高与调性感相融合、音程的综合练习等几种练习方式。Therefore, we exert pattern feed in leaning immobility ration together with sensation of Key and Interval generalization exercising.

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结论网膜体位固定技术在腹盆部肿瘤3D-CRT中应用是切实可行的。Conclusion Positioning immobility technique by thermoplastic sheet is useful and practical for 3D-CRT of the abdominal and pelvic tumors.

大自然恒定不变的稳定性,和我们自身经久不息的变化比起来,一定有着同样的效果。The fixed and constant immobility of nature , in comparison with the continual change which goes on within us , must have the same effect.

坦率地说,这些只给我留下隐约的印象,完全被他那平和坦然、温文儒雅、庄严宁静的风范所淹没。All this has left, I confess, a dim impression, swallowed up in the serene self-unconsciousness, the sweet, dignified urbanity, the feline immobility.

想像一下,只要把一条具有攻击性的鲨鱼翻过来,它就毫无招架之力。这种僵直状态,使得鲨鱼动弹不得。Imagine, a dangerous shark can be made vulnerable simply by turning it upside down. The state of tonic immobility makes the shark incapable of movement.

然而,正当电影是对运动的褒扬,和传统艺术形式相比,它也矛盾地把观众推向了静态的新极端。However, while film as such is a celebration of movement, it paradoxically drives the audience to new extremes of immobility compared to traditional art forms.

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从道与社会、道与物、道与个人的关系以及达道对个人修养的要求可明了“动中之反”和“静中之反”。The thought and locution clarify the relation between Tao and society, Tao and material, Tao and the beings by rebelling in activity and rebelling in immobility.

然而,我还是感到特别绝望,一个80岁的老人以失语偏瘫的状态度过余生就够悲剧的了,一个年轻人以沉默静止的状态面对未来的大把光阴就更悲剧了。It is a tragedy for an 80-year-old to spend life's remainder as an aphasic hemiplegic. The tragedy grows when a young man looks towards decades of mute immobility.

然而,我还是感到特别绝望,一个80岁的老人以失语偏瘫的状态度过余生就够悲剧的了,一个年轻人以沉默静止的状态面对未来的大把光阴就更悲剧了。It is a tragedy for an 80-year-old to spend life’s remainder as an aphasic hemiplegic. The tragedy grows when a young man looks towards decades of mute immobility.