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首先,有一个XML保真性的问题。First, there is a XML fidelity issue.

互补配对的一致性是非常高的I told you that the fidelity is very high.

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逼真性是虚拟现实的一个重要特性。Fidelity is critical to Virtual Reality system.

他们以宣誓来表示他们对领袖的忠诚。They betokened their fidelity to the leader with a vow.

正是在这里,它可能成了唯一一种奇怪的忠诚之感。Right here, it can be only a strange feeling of fidelity.

张国炜从1995年开始在富达任职,黄良文于2000年加入。Chang had been with Fidelity since 1995 and Wong since 2000.

韦利在翻译该书时更加关注译文的可读性,而非忠实程度。Waley was much more interested in readability than fidelity.

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我能期待多高的图象保真度?What kind of the image definition and fidelity can I expect?

我相信,林黛玉对爱情的忠贞不渝在如今的社会已不多见。Lin`s fidelity to love, I believe, can`t much be found today.

请以支票付款,并邮寄予本人于富达之登记地址。Please issue a cheque to my registered address with Fidelity.

显示的数据中保真度的缺失是另一个主要风险。Loss of fidelity in the data being displayed is another key risk.

黄晶是给出一个希望,青年,健康的象征,和保真度。Citrine is given as a symbol of hope, youth, health, and fidelity.

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忠实性法则是译者首先考虑的因素。The fidelity rule is the first factor translators should consider.

能力和忠诚作为授予官职的前提条件and fidelity indispensable prerequisites to the bestowal of office

优化相干态量子隐形传态的保真度。Optimizing the fidelity of coherent state of quantum teleportation.

四分频线阵列组成部分,最高的性能和保真度。Four-way line array element of the highest performance and fidelity.

同时也为衡量翻译的忠实性提供一个标准。Meanwhile the thesis also offers a criterion of fidelity for translation.

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自然流畅的文风,不应该以牺牲忠实为代价。Natural style, however, should not be conquered at the expense of fidelity.

优化薛定谔猫态量子隐形传态的保真度。Optimizing the fidelity of Schrodinger cat states of quantum teleportation.

埃及人对民主的忠贞将再次接受考验。The Egyptians will be tested again as to their fidelity to democratic ways.