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是您给人类的赠礼。Your gift to humanity.

他们奢谈人性。They speak of humanity.

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适用于全人类。They apply to all humanity.

去揣摩那人物的人性。Find the character's humanity.

上帝给人类最可怕的礼物。Dod's frigging gift to humanity.

他们是对你人性的一种考验。They are a test of your humanity.

这就是我们全人类的愿望。This is the hope of all humanity.

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那么我又如何服务人类呢?"How then shall I serve humanity"?

你整个人性以及动物性。Your entire humanity and animality.

他们是一对人性善良的夫妇。They were a couple of nice humanity.

他提醒我们什么是人类共同的人性。He reminded us of our common humanity.

人性的弱点之一是懒惰。Lazy is one of the foible in humanity.

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我们是幸存下来地少数人类。We are the last survivals of humanity.

对上帝和人类来说,那都是犯罪的行为。That's a crime before God and humanity.

那是老爷子谦逊的一个标志。That was the mark of the Don's humanity.

他们适用于全人类,而不仅仅是犹太人。They apply to all humanity not just Israel.

我们“六合一”人能为人类做点什么?We have "six-in, " one can do for humanity?

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现在,所有这些设计都丢失在茫茫人海中了!Now all of these plans are lost to humanity.

供你参考,美国不会免费为别人服务。FYI, US doesn't do free service for humanity.

仁人建立廉租住房。Habitat for Humanity builds low-cost housing.