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这就是洪特定律,它解释了电子分布问题。This is the Hund Rule and it explains electron occupancy.

这就是洪特定律,它解释了电子分布问题。This is the Hund Rule and it explains electron occupancy.

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也就是说,这里有两个电子的位置。In other words, I have occupancy states for two electrons.

在平季,折扣不应该被顺延执行。Discounts should not be extended during peak occupancy periods.

五星级酒店呢,入住率高不高?How about the five-star hotel's? Are there occupancy rate high?

酒店入住率于二零零三年首九个月再度攀升。Hotel occupancy rose once again in the first nine months of 2003.

从最低能量到级最高能量级都是这样,而这是占据的函数。Lowest energy to highest energy and it is a function of occupancy.

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价目只包括邮輪航程,双人入住客房每位平均价钱并以港币计算。Fares are per person, cruise-only, based on double occupancy in HKD.

被动式红外传感器是用来检测对象的存在或占用。PIR Sensors are used to detect the presence or occupancy of an object.

清末民初土地占有形式的变化显示了时代特点。The changes in land occupancy forms bear the characteristics of times.

就是能级本身,也会随着电子的排布发生变化。And that is that the energy levels themselves change with electron occupancy.

旅馆业本身的荷载系数由开房率来表示。The hotel business has its own load factor in the form of the occupancy rate.

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总有一天,宽容会悄悄地来,温柔地入住你的心房。One day, forgiveness will tiptoe in and take up gentle occupancy in your heart.

最后对掺杂晶体中间隙氧离子的位置进行了初步讨论。The occupancy site of interstitial oxygen in doped PWO crystals was also discussed.

酒店的平均入住率上升三倍,本月已达百分之六十以上。The average hotel occupancy rate increased threefold to over 60 per cent this month.

在此同时,地产价值下滑幅度更为可观,因租金及出租率大幅走低.Meanwhile, the value has declined even more as rent and occupancy rates have tumbled.

同样,酒店业的收益和入住率持续遭遇重创。Similarly, the hotel industry’s revenue and occupancy levels continue to be hard hit.

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期货交易所收取的席位占用费和年会费的问题。Issues on booth occupancy fee and annual membership fee collected by futures exchanges.

达不到入住标准的房,物业管理费有权不交吗?Housing occupancy standards fall short, the right not to pay the property management fee?

租用成本包括租金、维修费、物业税和其它要素。The occupancy cost is based on rent, maintenance costs, property taxes, and other factors.