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设拉子红葡萄酒是一种普及型。Shiraz is a popular type of red wine.

也是澳洲穗乐仙葡萄酒的典范。Australian Shiraz is also a model of wine.

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这是一种优良巴罗莎设拉子的光辉典范。This is a brilliant example of Fine Barossa Shiraz.

有种葡萄酒叫设拉子,有个伊朗的城市也叫设拉子。There's shiraz the wine and Shiraz the Iranian city.

2004年产自南澳洲的设拉子很合适。A 2004 Southern Australian Shiraz would be very suitable.

这是一款传统的果味型的设拉子。This medal winning wine is a fruit driven style of Shiraz.

这西拉充满了多汁的黑加仑香气。This Shiraz is loaded with dark juicy black currant aromas.

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纯正的巴罗莎西拉风格来自于伟大的2005年。A full flavoured Barossa Shiraz coming from the great 2005 vintage.

我喜爱所有的红葡萄酒,但更偏好澳大利亚设拉子。I like all red wines, but I am really partial to Australian shiraz.

酒星的席拉红葡萄酒杯是饮用此类酒的最理想之选。The WineStar-owned Shiraz red wine glass is optimal for Shiraz wine.

这座清真寺是社拉子市文化中心的一部分。It says the mosque was part of a cultural center in the city of Shiraz.

口感醇厚顺滑,完美呈现矜贵的西拉酒所具有的卓越特色。The palate is mellow and smooth with the characters of expensive Shiraz.

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一些反对派组织说,南部城市设拉子和伊斯法罕也在进行类似的示威活动。Some opposition groups say protests also took place in Shiraz and Isfahan.

二者完美结合,给你一种诱人的复合酒香。The marriage of Cabernet and Shiraz gives a full flavoursome, complex palate.

我个人会选择巴罗萨地区的色拉子,其李子类的水果口味与肉搭配非常适合。I prefer a Barossa Shiraz with its plummy fruit which matches well with the meat.

此款甘美的卡本泥苏维翁和设拉子混合葡萄酒充满李子、黑莓的果味。This luscious Cabernet Sauvignon and Shiraz is rich in plum and blackberry fruitiness.

我喜欢喝雪拉兹或玫瑰酒,而在欧洲,我就喝意大利葡萄酒和西班牙葡萄酒。I enjoy drinking a Shiraz or Rose, and while in Europe I drink Italian and Spanish wines.

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这瓶设拉子有着澳洲典型设拉子的粗犷颜色和粗犷果香口感。This Shiraz is a classic Australian Shiraz that has bold colours and bold fruit flavours.

2004年费米斯顿保留地雪拉兹还在玛格丽特河葡萄酒展上夺得金牌。The Fimiston Reserve Shiraz 2004 has also won a gold medal at the Margaret River wine Show.

这设拉子拥有丰富的口感,浆果、胡椒和隐隐约约的典型猎人谷的泥土气息。This shiraz has a rich palate with berries, spicy pepper and hints of typical Hunter earth.